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A/n: hope you enjoy this chapter...expect a new chapter Thursday too

"Fuck!" I yell. I rub my head with my hands. I can all ready feel the bump forming on the back of the head. "God, I can't believe this..." I whisper-yell. I get out of my bed, ducking this time, and go towards the kitchen. When I turn on the light I see a shadow go across my window. I rub my eyes and go towards it. I open up the curtains and look out the window. I see a figure in the distance, but it looked like a tree. I shrug and close the window and curtains, and walk towards the fridge. When I get what I wanted from the fridge I walk back to my room. I get to my door when something puts its hand around my mouth and drags me away from the door. In minutes, everything went black.

(Can you guess who it is? Leave it in the comments to take your guess!)

Freddy X FoxyWhere stories live. Discover now