"Fuck." I groaned in exasperation and gripped on my hair. "If this isn't for getting revenge on that Akashi, I wouldn't want to waste any second with you!"

"Same goes to me, Taiga." Haizaki rolled his eyes.

I sat back down on the box and crossed my arms.

"Fine, we'll use force. What are the other plans?"

"You told me they're staying in that restaurant. The restaurant was fancy so a valet will be present. We'll just mess with their car's valet and use a getaway car to kidnap that blue boy." Haizaki explained, a smirk creeping its way to his lips.

"What getaway car?" I frowned.

And then out of the blue, a black traditional limousine suddenly pulled over in front of us.

"That's the fucking getaway car?" I exclaimed, standing up in shock. "How the fuck can you even afford that?"

"I don't own that, shithead." Haizaki laughed. "It's a car of my friend's boss. Fancy eh?"

"Friend's boss?"

"Hey hey~"

I turned around and saw a man in a formal clothing - he looked like some kind of driver with that white gloves of his.

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked the guy with humongous bushy brows.

"Hanamiya Makoto at your service," he smirked before bowing down at me.

"You're a... driver right? Whose?"

"Chauffeur, idiot. And I drive for the Akashi family, of course." Hanamiya chuckled.

"You're betraying them?" I frowned. "What the fuck?"

"I got sick of those spoiled fuckers, so I think it'll fun to mess with them and see what their humorous reaction will be!" he smiled maniacally.

What the fuck...

"He was also the one who saved me from the wrath of that crazy ass Akashi." Haizaki rolled his eyes. "The man's crazy, he acts as if there's another person with us."

"He saved you?"

"I didn't tell you?" Haizaki laughed. "That shitty brat kept me down in their basement and tortured the shit outta me. That psycho redhead even took my fucking eye out."

So that explains the eyepatch...

"How the fuck are you even alive?" I muttered under my breath.

"I snuck him out and treated his wounds, it's kind of a hassle, but he's a friend of mine after all." Hanamiya chuckled.

"Oi," Haizaki snorted. "Just because you saved me doesn't mean that I'm friends with that titanic eyebrows of yours, Makoto."

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