Chapter 3

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Once I was far enough away, I fell to my knees.

"She...she's gone" I mumbled into my hands. I let out a scream. It was a long scream, full of pain and suffering. I felt my heart being torn out as the realization kept sinking in.

She's dead

She's dead

She as dead

I beat my fists against the grounf as I relized voices were chanting in my head. I screeched for them to stop and everything went silent. I sat their, feeling numb all over.

I didn't realize the figure standing next to me

I trailed my eyes up from the black jeans, to the thin torso covered with a white sweatshirt. I noticed it was the boy who always followed me around, but I never could really see his face
The black bandana shielding the bottom half of his face hid most of it. I examined the pale paper white skin that could be seen. Some shaggy black hair poked out through the hood, and I saw his icy blue eyes look elsewhere.
I stared back down at my hands, ignoring the towering boy. I had a strong suspicion that this was Jeff, the boy my mom was talking about only five minutes before.
"W-who are you?" I asked, feeling numb on the inside.
His voice came out raspy, and cold as he mummbled Jeff.
I was surprised by the sudden coldness from him.
So this was Jeff, the one who has all the answers for everything. I wanted to hear answers. No. I needed the answer's to why my mom had to die.
"Is she gone?" He asked, voice muffled by the cloth.
I nodded bitterly, staring at the snow around me. I saw him look off into the direction of my house, as if contemplating on going back. Thinking better of it, he turned back to me.
"Are you hurt?"
I shook my head.
Jeff was silent as he watched my shivering body on the ground, and I thought I saw his eyes soften. But, he quickly covered it up.
He adjusted his bandana as I stood up, wrapping my arms around my slim body.
I suddenly felt a wave of darkness seep around me. Jeff felt it too.
"C'mon, let's get going," he muttered already jogging ahead.
I still didn't understand who he really was. I wasn't too sure I was going to make a decision to follow a complete stranger, yet, the darkness around me scared me into moving.
"Jeff, wait!" I yelled, quickly catching up to him. "I want answers first."
Jeff continued on, as if he didn't hear me.
I huffed, "fine be that way, but I not going anywhere until I get my questions answered!"
Jeff didn't stop, but made a rather nasty remark back at me , "good, cause I don't need to deal with a nagging bitch like you."
I sharply took in a breath, heat rising into my cheeks. How dare he?.
I heard his raspy laugh as he turned down the next street over.
Fine. I told myself. I didn't need him anyways. I stood my ground standing simlessly in the middle of the sidewalk. I didn't even know him anyways, for all I knew, he could have been a murdurer (hahaha🔪🔪)
I turned in the opposite direction, and onto a different street than Jeff.
The snow fell faster and the wind picked up, nipping my noes. It was eerily quiet, and I was glad I had the street lamps guiding my way. Jeff's comment bounced around in my head. 'Who was he to call me a bitch?' I thought to myself. Anger bubbled through my veins, but it quickly dissipated when I heard a loud pop from behind me.
I spun around, the streetlight at the end of the road, was out, and I heard the twinkling of broken glass hit the ground. I let out a sigh of relief, trying to calm my jittery nerves. I was turning back around, when the next light over also popped out. That lamp was now dead followed by the glass on the ground.
I furrowed my brow...what the hell?
I watched as they continue to go out, one by one. Each one sizzling then popping. Something wasn't right. The feeling of evil was so strong now that I felt like a heavy blanket suffocating me. I began to feel woozy . The lights stopped going out at the one I was standing at.
I was a little on edge as I awaited the familiar pop, but when none came, I let a shaky breath past my lips.
Turning back around I stopped cold lettting out a short scream.
Inches from me was a man standing taller that me. He was dressed in all black with short cropped black hair. A sadistic grin spread across his face at the sight of my fear. I noticed that his teeth were all razor sharp.
My heart beat faster in my chest, and it pumped through my ears. His eyes were a pure crimson red. I went to let out another scream but his hand shot out and covered my mouth.
I tensed and recoiled. I felt like I was going to pass out. I went to take a step back, my legs had suddenly stopped cooperating. I tried with all my will to move. Nothing would follow through. All I could do was standing there frozen in fear as the man grinned wider.
He was almost hypnotic.
"You have something that I want." His voice was cool, calm, and controlling.
"Will you be a good girl and stay still for me?"
I wanted to shake my head or something, scream at the top of my lungs or at least run from this man. But all I could do was nod my head.
I watched in fear as his hand pulled away the flap of my army jacket, sending cold air through me. His hand began to deform into a monstrous one as it turned black and his fingers grew twice their size, into long claws.
His fingers hovered just above my heart, ready to dig his hand into my skin.
"We are so much alike." He said pausing "in so many ways."
I felt a tear streak down my cheek and he sushed me. I felt his long bladed finger trace down the side of my face leaving a long open wound that spilled blood.
"Now, don't upset your father."
I was confused as to what he meant. I whimpered as his finger dug and 'X' into skin located on my heart. I felt the blood seep out before I saw it.
The man became sinister, "this will only hurt a lot."
I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the pain. But none came when a pissed off sounding, raspy voice broke the silence.
"Hey fucker!" The voice screamed, "get your filthy hands off of her."
It was Jeff and I watched as he launched himself at the man, protruding a large knife. The knife found its way into the side of the man's head and he screeched, reaching his arms behind him to claw off the intruder.
The man began to change appearence. His pale skin, now turning a dark shadowy colour, massive horns ripped themselves out of his head.
Multiple eyes popped out of his skin, all showing signs of anger.
"Nice to see your fucked up face again." Jeff laughed crazily as he pulled the knife out of the side of his head and began to repeatedly stab the top of his head open.
I saw the black bandana fall to the ground and I looked up to see Jeff's appearence and I gasped. A large cut up, bloody smile dug into Jeff's cheeks. It made him look truly terrifying as he laughed uncontrollably. I was right about his skin. It was paper white and almost looked leathery. His features sent chills down my spine, but I knew at that moment that he was like me.
Different from all the other people.
Jeff had long shaggy charcoal hair, that almost looked singed. I gapped at the whole scenery as the demon screeched louder.
Jeff suddenly looked up "(Y/N)-RUN!"
You tried to will yourself to move, but you legs wouldn't agree. You suddenly felt weak and your head was spinning.
Jeff stabbed the man once more in the head twisting his knife gruesomly. He jumped off his back and tugged me along by my wrist.
"Go to hell, Zalgo!" Jeff screamed into the night before he began to pick up speed, dragging me along.
We finally stopped when we were far enough away from that neighborhood.
I was gasping for breath. Not from the running, but the fear.
Jeff ran a hand through his hair. He stepped towards me, pulling the jacket flap back. I took a step back but Jeff's grip on the jacket made me stay put. He inspected the wound, cursing under his breath. I flinched as he began to lightly touch to open gash.
Suddenly his hands gripped my shoulders tightly. I flinched as his fingers dug deeply into my shoulders. "What the fuck were thinking?" He asked angryly screaming into my face. I squeaked and stared into his eyes. "Why the actual fuck did you leave?" He didnt let me answer,as he continued on.
"You could have been killed..." His voice faltered at the thought of that, ripping myself out of his grasp, I glared at him with hurt eyes. He looked genuinely upset, but I was pissed.
"You were the one calling me a bitch!" I screamed back.
Jeff stepped back in surprise but his face hardened again. "Well you are a bitch. I'm trying to help you and you go running off askin-"
I didn't let him finish as I threw a swift punch to his face. Jeff was knocked on his ass and I could almost see the steam rising out of his ears.
Jeff didn't waste anytime as he ran for me, but I dodged him quickly. He yanked my hair back towards him, holding a knife to my exsposed neck. He whispered murdurously in my ear. "Your gonna calm the fuck down." He let the knife tick against my skin," or its gonna be the end of you..."
He let me go and I took two wide steps away from him. I coughed and clutched the back of my aching head.
Jeff looked up at me in surprise as he saw tear fall steadily down my cheeks. "Why did she have to die" I blurted out before breaking down again.
Jeff shuffled over to me, and wrapped me in a hug. I balled into his shoulder as he tried his best to comfort me.
"Your a dick," I mummbled pulling away.
Jeff just chuckled "and you, my dear, are such a doll."
I wiped away stray tears before I laughed.
Jeff stared at me a secound longer, and I saw a flicker of something in his eyes. But he quickly built his walls again.
"Did she give you a crystal?" He asked, satisfied as I nodded my head. I pulled it out of my pocket and showed it to him.
"Do you know how to use it?"
I shook my head and he sighed through his mouth. Jeff was about to say something when a low chuckle escaped through the mouth of the allyway.
The man Jeff had called Zalgo was standing their. He was odly hunched over and he winced as if he was in pain. Black thick liquid dripped out of the deep stab wounds in the side of his head.
I stood their shocked as wondered how he was still alive. Jeff lightly pushed me behind him when Zalgo spoke.
"You have been a bad girl." Zalgo said it in a low growl that sent chills down my spine.
She stood in front of me protectively holding a knife as protection. Zalgos hand raised and a fireball appeared.
"You need to be punished" he said gruesomly.
"No time," Jeff growled back as he wrapped his arms around me. I could feel the crystal pressed against my back and he brought his mouth close to my ear, whispering the two words my mom had.
"Don't let go," Jeff warned pulling me tighter to him.
The last thing you remember is the fireball, secounds from hitting you guys.

Our Choices seal Our Fate (Jeff the killer X Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu