Chapter 9

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I gaped at the monster that sat behind the massive mahogany desk. He was dressed in a black suit with a red tie. Large black tendrilsr protruted out of his slender body from behind, and his unnaturally long arms were folded in a mannerly way in front of him.
I looked for a mouth in which the voice would have come out of but all I could see was his pale emotionless face. He looked like a grotesque mannequin(LMAOO, so sorry for relating slendy to a mannequin😂😂).
"Don't be frightened, your safe here." I still searched for a way that his voice could come out of his figure.
Slowly the numb fear that shook my body, diminished, and I realized that he had no intentions of hurting me.
"Please (Y/N)," he paused as one of his tentacles reached out and pulled out a chair from the front of his desk, "have a seat."
I suspiciously edged forward, ready to attack if he made any move towards me.
The monster just waited for me, patiently still.
When I Finnaly made my way to the chair, I remained standing.
"Very well then (Y/N. Do you know who I am?"
I slowly nodded my head, taking a random guess that this was the Slenderman everyone has been telling me about. The man who loved my mom, the man who was supposed to be my father. It was hard to picture my frail mother next to him.
"You've guessed correctly."
I was confused, " did you know?" I asked, my voice quaking. I heard him chuckle.
"I can read mind's (Y/N), but if you rather me not, then you can tell me to stop."
When I didn't say anything the Slenderman continued on. "This was your mother's dying wish to have us help you. And I hope Jeff has filled you in on what has been going on." I wasn't really listening as I tried to find a mouth on him.
The Slenderman leaned back in his chair and tilted his head at me. "I have an invitation for you, but it's your decision to take it."
I stared at a spot on his face where I thought his eyes would have gone, but in their place was hollowed, closed up flesh. The Slenderman opened his desk drawer and pulled out a folder, quickly scanning through it.
"I'm sure you have been aware of the powers you hold, and we are here to help you control them, just as your mother asked of me all those years ago...." His voice trailed off as he thought for a moment.
"You are an extravagant young women, but you do need help concealing your true self.
"By accepting this invitation you will have food, shelter, training, and protection. All you need to do is follow the rules of this household, and the set rules of the creepypastas."
I thought for a moment. Was it all really worth it? Being shunned by the others, for who my father was? Dealing with all these emotions? I looked down at my feet, still undecided.
"And if I refuse?" I finally said looking up as his pale face, "what happens then?" I said it in a way that made him think that that was my final decision.
The Slenderman shoulder slumped and he bowed his head. "Then i have no other choice but to hand you over to my proxies."
Before I could object the doors opened and in walked 3 guys I haven't seen before. They were masky, hoodie, and Toby. I recognized them from Jeff.
The two were dressed in yellow jackets, hoodie was wearing a black ski mask with a red stitched up smile. And masky was in a monochrome feminine mask, with black eye sockets and a set of thin, grim lips.
Toby seemed to be dealing with his excessive twitching and his face was covered by a face guard, and a pair of orange goggles. His body spasmed in weird places, but I wasn't worried about that. I was worried about the two axes in his grip.
All three of them moved at an unnatural pace, reaching me before I could begin to figure out what was going on.
Masky was the first to reach me as he viciously grabbed a fist full of my burning red hair. I yelled at the pain, and went to grab for him, but one of the boys grabbed my arm and twisted it up behind my back.
I heard the crack before I felt the pain. I screeched in horror as I fell to my knees.
"Boys...please be gentle." I heard the Slenderman say something along the lines of that, but I he sounded far away as masky smashed my face into the ground. I heard the cracking and felt the warm blood spill from my nose. I stopped struggling as I just let him repeadiatly smash my face into the wooden floor board. I felt my vision go and the only thing I could hear was maskys voice, taunting me.
"She's a traitor," he sputtered, "she's working for him." I knew he sounded furious.
"Staphh..." I groaned out. "I'll join....I....i... I will fuckin....join" I mummbled that in wet coughs, and a shaking voice as I completely blacked out. Thanking death for finally taking me out of this awful world.
In the darkness, I saw my mom. She was beautiful. She looked so full of life and...happier than I have ever seen her. Her smile lit up the dark around me and I soaked up her warmth. Fat tears streamed down my face at the sight of her radiating youth. Her body loomed above me, the dress she wore flowing in soft pink waves around her. She brushed the tears off my face.
"Am I dead?" I asked. I wanted to die, to be with her, I wanted her light. My mom's smile faltered a bit.
"Your rime is not up yet." She told me and my eyebrows drew together.
"They need you (Y/N) may not see it now, but you've been defined to save all of humanity. You can bring peace and even out good and evil." Here eyes were kind and gentle "it's what you were made for."
I shook my head, "why should I?... the are monsters mom, they killed me, and kill hundreds of innocent people."
My mom sushed me. "One day you will see, that they are so much more than what people say they are, once you hear their pain, and go through it, you will understand that they are just like you an me." She paused brushing strands of hair from my face, "they were the ones born with thorns in their hearts. It's not their fault."
She saw my fave soften, "give them a chance, and they will give you one."
I saw her image start to fade away.
"Mom....NO!" I cried out, "your not leaving me again....NO!-PLEASE STAY!"
She calmly placed her full lips on mine, and the feeling in my arms and legs returned.
"Prove then wrong (Y/ N )." She whispered, her presence now transparent, "you are meant for something bigger than this....take your rightful place at the throne." She paused, "Do it for me."
She was almost invisible now, "chose wisely...and remember....who....the.....the"
As her voice faded, she did too, and I cried out for her. My mom's presence had opened up old wounds and I felt the tears fall down. The warmth of her body still lingered in the cold air, and I let my heavy eyelids close as the dark around me turned into a blinding white light.
I squeezed my eyes shut, as I willed the light to go away. It flickered before dying out. That's when I knew that I was back in my physical body, controlling everything in my surroundings. I opened my eyes to see the light above me has burned out, and I was lying naked on a cold table. The only thing that offered me any protection was the thin white sheet that covered my shoulders down. I shivered and blinked, while I tried to remember where I was.
I slowly say up, feeling surprisingly well. I let the blanket fall down to my waist, not really caring about my uncovered flesh. I was angry. Pissed off at the fact that He let them kill me. I hadn't even told them my answer. Anger bubbled up inside my chest.
Kill them
Kill them
Kill them
I shut down my anger and the voice dissapeared.
The room was circular and very white. Everything was cleaned spotless, and it reeked of bleech. I sensed that many people died here.
I hopped off the table and winced as my feet touch the cold tile floor. I felt the shivers run up my spine. I looked down at my supposed broken arm, and saw that it was bandaged up, but it felt fine to me. My hand found its way to my nose, and I gingerly pulled of the bandages, letting them fall to the floor. I pulled the blanket around my shoulder, momentarily wondering were my clothes were. Suddenly the door opened and in walked E.J, dressed in a white lab coat without his mask, and in his hands he held a clipboard.
"Ah...I see your up." He said cheerfully, scribbling down notes on his board. I wanted to laugh at his whole doctor get up, but I held it in.
"How are you feeling?"
Any pains?"
He looked confused, "Let me see your wounds."
I obeyed and let the thin sheet fall to my feet. I noticed that he didn't look alarmed at the sight of me standing their stark naked. Though I did catch his eyes linger on certain parts of my body.
He imedeiatly Went to work on my check up. He first undid the white gauze on my arm, and checked that. Then my ribs, my nose, and my head.
"Immaculate..." he said quietly.
E.J looked down at his chart, and I watched his grey lips purse
"You suffered 6 different broken bones including you arm, nose, and several ribs. You also had shattered your skull." He paused and gave me a grin full of sharp teeth , "(Y/N) you were supposed to die."
I stared at him shockingly.
"But your now standing, breathing, and healthier than you ever were."
I only looked down at my body on confusion. "How long was I out for?"
"Only a couple of hours, which is a remarkably fast recovery."
I let a smile creep onto my face, but I quickly frowned again, "why did they kill me?" I asked, face solemn.
E.j looked serious again, "slender assumed you didn't want to join so...the proxies were sent in to kill you. It was too late to stop masky when he heard you agreement." He bent down to pick up the blanket, "masky meant to hurt you though. He had a rough past when it comes to Zalgo, and since your his daughter,"
I flinched as that comment made another appearance.
"But he dosnt see that you are nothing like him," he said wrapping the sheet back around my shivering body. His hand caught my chin as he tilted my head up toward his face.
"Ignore the other's, they just need some time to adjust to you. As for masky...he is jealous and feels threatened by your powers. You are stronger than all of us. Some of us don't even have healing powers, and the one's that do have it, it takes weeks for them to fully recover."
He let go of my chin, but I still stared up into his black eyes. "Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked in a narrowing my eyes at him.
E.js smile faltered, "because I was once like you, when I joined them." He paused, pulling the blanket away from my exposed chest. "Plus your one of us."
I looked down, as his fingers were lingering on my skin. It took me a moment to realize that he was tracing something.
I gasped, the 'X' Zalgo had given me, was not alone. A scar of a circle was now caved in the middle of the 'X'.
"You've been marked." E.j said calmly, hand still on my chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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