Chapter 6

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I am part of a group called the creepypastas. We are a collection of forgotten induviduals, ridiculed by people who didn't understand us. We were abandoned and betrayed during the time that we needed someone to care about us. All of us broke down and lost our sanity. None of us can think like a normal person anymore. We all changed into beings with supernatural strengths and features. After people saw us like that, we were pushed furthur and furthur away .
We were isolated and lonly, thinking that we were the only ones different. That is until we found others just like us, only in peculiar ways.
We all came together, founded on revenge guilt and blame. That happened a long time ago, before your grandmother was probably even born. Their are hundreds of us, seeking revenge, wanting the person who turned us into monsters to continue to suffer everyday that we did.. we all became insane killers, split up into different dimensions so we don't over use the one that were in.
If we keep too much of our kind in one dimension , it will eventually fall apart.
Each group has a leader, or a 'boss' in our case. They are the ones who dedicate their entire immortal lives to seek out the different people and protects them. Our boss, soon your boss, is the one and only Slenderman.
Remember him because he plays an important role in your life.
Some of us, like you, show their differences on the outside. I may have this smile, but it was not part of my natural change, I ended up putting it their myself. I still have many differences on the inside.
But, all in all, everyone of use has our inhuman personalities and strengths. It's what makes us us.
Our leader has his proxies, and it's their job to bring the people that our leader chooses back to him. If the chosen people refuse to join us, we must kill them in order for our saftey.
Their are many times that we need to let out our demons and strength, so that's when we visit the human world to murdure them in the worst way. We are every humans they don't ignore us, they don't pretend that they don't know us like they did before.
It's truly a wonderful feeling. To see the life drain out of their fearful eyes, the screaming, the blood. And the best part is, is the nightmares that we give them.
Their was once this man, the one who attacked you. Except this took place a long time ago.
He was brought in by another leader in a different dimension. The man went by zalgo, and his powers were a lot different from the average creepypastas. Zalgo was strong. Stronger than any one has ever seen.
Zalgo refused the offer and killed them all. Making that dimension his kingdom. He turned it into a dark place. One which you don't ever want to visit. Some pastas join him, wanting g to unleash their darkness in other ways. They accept his rules and the torture inflicted upon them everyday.
Most of them are being forced to join him. He is strong enough to brain wash people and make them do what he wants them to do. It's quite sad, having your entire life taken away from you for all of enternity. Only when Zalgo gets tired of you and kills you.
Then (y/mom's name) came into the picture. She was young and innocent. Beautiful too. But she had this darkness inside her that all of us had. She was the one that sought us out for help. We immediately knew just how strong she truly was. We could feel it radiating off her.
And slender let her into our lives.
She was so kind , and motherly towards us all, but to slender, they had something more than friendship. Both of them fell madly in love, they seemed so perfect together. They lasted a couple of years and it seemed that nothing could break them apart.
That was until zalgo decided to destroy what little happiness we had.
It was only a couple of weeks before their wedding when Zalgo showed up . He had hypnotized her, like all the others. We hadn't known and assumed that she had betrayed us.
All of us tried to move on, slender took it the worst. Apparently she was the first woman he had fallen in love with since his wife died all those generations ago.
A couple months later we found her on out doorstep beaten to a pulp and pregnant with Zalgo's child.
She kept coming in and out of consciousness, only screaming like a lunatic and begging us to forgive her.
The love between her and slender was gone. Just like that.
He still couldn't stop caring for her and we all knew that he would do just about anything to protect her. They even gave another shot at rekindling their love.
But Zalgo came back again. Once he found out about the baby, and it's possible gain of his powers, he went hysterical. He wanted (y/m n) dead. But she wasn't giving you up. She knew that she would have all of us to take care and love you. Even slender wanted to raise you as his own child.
Your mom refused the offer once she saw how much danger she was putting us in. It wasn't anything we couldn't handle, but she insisted. We all begged her not to go. Saying we will protect her and her baby.
She agreed to stay, but that night she ran away to the human dimension.
(Y/mn) blended in with the other humans. She wore her disguise all the time.
Then you were born. The human dimension had slowed down your power development long enough so you understood how to control it. I was assigned to keep close watch on you, to make sure Zalgo couldn't find you. I was also their the day you were born. Every single day a watched you roam around at night, and grow up.
The I noticed a change in the way your powers were developing.n a couple of years agao, I noticed they were increasing. But this past week was a giant step in your strength, and power. I was worried that both you and your mom's power was going to strip down the dimensions.
Soon enough the dimension was cracking that your power was causing, and it led Zalgo straight to you.
We barely had enough time to warn you her... it was either save you or her.
She had already made that decision long before that. She told us that no matter what happens, you are first priority. When Zalgo showed up at your door that night, she knew that she was going to die.
"She did it for you (y/n).

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