Chapter 7

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The next morning we didn't acknowledged each other, and I went straight to to the washroom with my backpack in hand. Jeff seemed to be in a neutral mood today. I still couldn't stop wondering about his problems.
I also wanted to know why and who he was apologizing to last night.
I thought about my questions as I pulled a hairbrush through my hair, before brushing my pearly white teeth. I took extra precautions to not catch a glimpse of my visible form.
I wasn't ready to face my appearance just yet. I knew I looked a lot like Zalgo.
I pushed that thought away, as I pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and a plain white tank top.
I slipped on my shoes from yesterday, the soles still caked with mud and dried grass. I didn't want to leave the washroom and face reality. I didn't want to face Jeff again, I just wanted my not so normal, but normal life again. I missed my mom. She was everything to me.
I quickly left the bathroom, not wanting to dig too deep into my feelings. I met up with Jeff, after doing a quick search of the house making sure I didn't forget anything.
Today Jeff was dressed causally. He wore a plaid button down shirt, unbuttoned, and he wore a black muscle shirt underneath that. His legs were covered by a pair of blue jeans, and black runners finished off his outfit.
Jeff barely glanced at me as I followed him out the front door, looking back I noticed that we were staying in what looked like a small cozy cottage. Wildflowers decorated the ground around the house, and large flat stones decorated the path leading toward the front door.
I let out a small laugh as this whole situation reminded ,etc of the little red ridding hood, Jeff being the wolf.
Jeff heard me and looked over his shoulder.
"What is it?"
I stifled another laugh , "nothing."
Jeff didn't look amused, as he kept giving me weird looks that made me laugh harder.

We walked on for quite some time in silence. I stayed behind jeff, wanting to avoid any sort of argument we might have. My mind wandered off to what the other CP's were like. I thought about what they would think of me.
I forced myself to blurt out what was on my mind before I could talk myself out of it.
"Tell me about them." I asked, jogging to catch up to him.
"Who," Jeff mummbled, irritation flowing through his words.
"The others."
Jeff looked at me slyly, "really?"
He asked me in a way that being even remotely interested in the group that occupied this dimension, was stupid. I was still curious.
I nodded thankful Jeff had slowed down a bit, so I wasn't running to keep pace with him.
"Okay...." he paused, pondering his words. "I should probably warn you about Sally. Her favorite thing to do now is karaoke. But she's real sweet. Masks will probably be the most resentful, since your a newbie and all.
I listened as he explained them on enough detail for me to almost picture them. I laughed at some parts, and respected others.
I learned more about masky. His likes and dislikes, how he deals with his demons, I now know what to expect from him. Sally was a young girl, who loved to play with other. Ben was a little perv, who liked to play video games, and had a weird fetish to always either wear green or a link out fit. Hoodie was another proxy, he was quiet and shy, always hanging around masky.
Toby, another proxy, was greatly disliked by masky because he was replaced from lead proxy by Toby.
Jane, fierce but kind. She wears a disguise to hid her true creepypasta self. Jeff said it would be better if I heard the story from her. Eyeless Jack, was kind of a perv, but not as bad as Ben. He was usually a chill kind of guy, who loves to east kidneys. So don't be armed.
He told me finally about clockwork, she disliked everyone except Toby. No one really mingled with her, but mainly because she's a bit nasty.
When he was finished I chuckled.
"Don't they sound like an interesting group."
Jeff smiled again, laughing along with me.
"So the only ones I need to steer clear of is masky and clockwork?" I asked through giggles.
Jeff laughed along, "if I were you, I would stay clear of all of them?"
I grinned and watched him smile for real, and he was laughing. It felt good to know he had actual feelings.

A couple hours later we stopped to take a break. Jeff had his plaid short tied around his waist, so he was only in his black undershirt. I couldn't help but gaze at his muscles. They were quite impressive, the only thing, was it wasn't just his face and hands the were white, it was all over.
I hadn't relized I was staring until Jeff cleared his throat.
"Like what you see, doll?"
I felt my face and neck heat up and I looked away. Doll? That was new, and odly enough, I kind of liked it.
"Do you have any food in that bag of yours?"
I nodded and tossed it in his direction, he caught it swiftly and tugged open the zipper.
I heard his breath suck in as he saw what was in the bag. He picked up the soft teddy bear, and held it in both hands, looking at it with sadness, and a little bit of happiness in his eyes.
His eyes found mine and my heart almost stopped. They were filled with this deep craving of love. I blushed and looked away.
He looked back at the bear, and I asked what was wrong.
"Nothing," he mummbled, reaching deeper into the bag and receiving to couple of granola bars in the bottom of my bag.
That love in his eyes was gone, but he still stayed in his happier self.
We began walking again, side by side, he told me limited things about him, mainly sticking to his likes and dislikes. I noticed that he completely left out any talk of his family.
I tried to think of things to tell him, not knowing just how much he knew me. Either way I enjoyed his company and felt this was one more step in the right direction of him opening up to me.
We finnaly reached a clearing filled with large purple wild flowers. The grass stood taller than me and it felt strange. But a path was cut into the middle of it. I followed Jeff down that path.
We walked down the path for a couple of minutes until I could see a massive house in the distance. It was very modern looking, with most the house walls being windows. Stone covered any part that wasn't a window and an outside staircase ed to the top floor. I marveled it's beauty, it looked well taken care of with black roses scattering around the house.
As we got closer, I couldn't help but feel nervous. It felt like the butterfly in my stomach were bitting me, and I hugged my arms tight around my torso.
Without thinking Jeff stopped me, and calmly pried my arms off myself, he took my left hand and intertwined his leathery fingers in mine. I looked down at our hands with a small smile. Why was he all the sudden being so kind.
"You'll be fine." Jeff whispered, reassuring me. He pulled me along. My heart was pounding my the time we reached the steps. Jeff led me through the set of glass doors, the air conditioning feeling like heaven after I've been walking around in this hot summer heat all day .
In the front foyer Jeff stopped and kicked his shoes off, I, doing the same. Jeff looked down at my clothing that was streaked with grime, the scar Zalgo had left was visible from my chest.
Jeff pulled open a closet door and grabbed a black zip up sweater. I let him help me into it.
He was silent and he avoided eyes contact, I let hip zip up the sweater, Jeff stopped just below my breasts. His eyes lingered on me, and I felt my face flush.
Jeff pulled away, shutting me out once again. It felt strange, being in this new environment. Not knowing anyone except Jeff. I didn't know what to expect.
I followed him into what looked like a living room, it was being occupied by some of the CP's. A movie was playing on a flat screen t.v, and the sound blasted through speakers. None of them noticed me and I stood awkwardly a couple of feet away from Jeff.
I recognized all of them in the room , from the descriptions Jeff gave me.
Ben was sitting closest to the t.v, he was wearing a green elf hat, green undershirt, and he wore black sweats. I noticed his pointed ears, and black eyes with a small red peircing pupil, his face was covered with bloodied tears.
On one of the couches, I saw jane. She was strikingly beautiful, with flowing black hair pale features and wide black eyes like mine. Her plump black lips had a small smile on them as she stared at the screen. Next to her was eyeless Jack.
I was shocked as he was already looking straight at me. His skin was a light grey color, his eyes also black and oozing a black substance. When he grinned at me I noticed his teeth were sharp. No one sat next to him, only a blue mask with eye holes took up the space.
Clockwork was curled up in the one person seat, looking at something on the phone that occupied her hand. She had light brown hair and a piercing green eye. I tried to ignore the clock shoved in her other eye.
Then their was Sally. She looked around 14, and was also very pretty. I could see the curves that she showed at her age, and it saddened me that she became one of them before she could become a woman. Her emerald green eyes shone brightly, and instead of watching the t.v screen, she had her eyes trained on Ben.
I recognized that look in her eyes, and I couldn't help but smile. I looked back at e.j. he was still looking at me, and I felt mildly uncomfortable.
Without warning Jeff cleared his throat and all faces turned towards me.

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