Chapter 1-17 years later

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 I sat in my room, for head pressed against the frosted window pane. I watched the snow steadily fall and I welcomed the cold chills sent through me. My (colour hair) hair was pulled into a messy bun and I wore a black baggy sweatshirt. I still shivered at the sight of the cold flakes. I spotted some kids all dressed in their snow gear, building snow forts. I remembered the time when I had wished I could go out their and play with the kids my age, but my mother's warning always sat in the back of my mind.

I knew that I was forbidden to to be seen by people in the winter days. Only at night was I allowed to enjoy the snow in my backyard. I was fine with that though, as I knew that the other kids would never accept my disease. My mother said that I was born with it. That it was super rare for a child's eyes to cover over in complete blackness. She said not too many people were aware about it, and I would immediately be teased for my eyes.

Everytime that I brought it up, she would tell me the same thing before she shut me out completely. It wasn't until 2 years ago that she started to let me go out in the summer das with the protection of sunglasses. I also made sure that u Der no circumstances mustn't I take them off. I obeyed and never ran into any problems. I knew that she only wanted what was best for me, wanting me to avoid public humiliation.

Other than that I mostly stayed indoors, practicing my piano skills, or strumming along on my accoustic. Whenever I did get frustrated, or started to ask questions about my real dad, my mom would just beg me to give her a little time and to just trust her. I loved her and she was really the only person I ever really engaged in conversation with.

She cared more for the world for me. She never missed a birthday, or holiday, nor a greeting in the morning and night. I truly was thankful for her.

And she knew that.

Though she keeps a lot of secrets from me, I'm still patient with her as she is to me.

The past week or so I had noticed a change in the powers I had since I was little girl. When I ran at night, I could feel more energy and was less breathless. I also moved at inhuman speed. Sometimes I would fall asleep and wake up in another part of the house, once I even end woke up on the sidewalk out front. I didn't have an explanation for the teleporting, but I could move things with my mind and also set things on fire.

I haven't told my mom. Mainly because I was scared of myself and 8 didn't want to worry her even more. Was I proud of my new found powers? No...

I despised them. They made me feel monstrous. I knew people would never want to be around me if they knew my true self. I am a monster, and theirs no changing that. I know that I'm the only different one out their. That I am alone. And I know I getting stronger.

I can feel thins inky darkness around me, it radiating off of me and I know my mom feels it too. It makes me think and feel dark, gruesome, things. And I scare myself sometimes. I'm scared that one day I will lash out at the one true person who cares about me.

"(Y/N)!" My mom calls me from downstairs.

I can smell something faintly burning and I know it's her attempt at Sunday brunch again. I smiled and chuckled. Deep down i knew I should tell her what's really going on. I will. Soon.

Downstairs I see smoke filling up the kitchen, and my mom in the middle of it, waving a newspaper around in her feeble attempts to diminish the heavy black smoke.

" (Y/N), honey. I might need some help."

I smiled again and pulled the burning eggs off the stove, dunking them under the cold water streaming out of the tap, my mom turned the burner off.

She sighed and ran a shaky hand through her graying black hair. "I'm getting too old for this."

I tried to smile, but it was hard. She did seem to be aging ten years every week. Each day the bags under her eyes grew darker, and her once strong posture sank so her shoulders were hunched in. I knew it was because of me. I was just a heavy weight on her shoulders that continued to grow. I knew she was keeping g something big from me, something she didnt want me to know.

I focused on the eggs in the sink, making sure no more steam rose from them before I shut the tap off. My mom patted my back as she wiped down the counters around me.

"Mom, I need to talk to you."

She must have heard my worried tone because she stopped what she was doing and turned to me. I took a deep breath. I didn't think I was ready

"Mom...." I hesitated, " can...I go out tonight"

I mentally slapped myself for chickening out. Damn it.

My mom seemed to relax a bit but worry still set in her bright eyes, something I rarely saw these days.

"You know the importance of telling me everything, right, honey?"

To me it kind of sounded like a demand, and I suddenly started bubbling up with anger. My head began to hurt as a small soft voice said something to me that I couldn't understand.

"Then why don't you tell me shit!" I lashed out. I grinded my teeth as I felt the darkness build up inside me, i quickly blocked it out the moment i processed what I had just said. I spun around to face my mother who didn't seem surprised or hurt. She simply nodded her head, eyes casting far away.

"Soon..." she mummbled before trudging out of the room.

I watched her leave wondering where this darkness came from.

"Why me?" I whimpered.

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