Chapter 6 - Why does he care

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** Picture is of Katie Rodgers**

I waited a few seconds before picking up because I don't want to seem too eager.



"Hey Isabella?" he replies back in an extremely sexy tone if I just might add. Instantly it made me tense and my heart beat accelerate.

"Yea, what's up" I say trying to sound calm as possible but realize it sounds totally retarded

"So I'm just going to go out and say it do you want to go bowling this Friday"

"Um yea sure" I didn't want to sound to eager even though I was freaking out inside.

"Okay cool well I got to go I'll just text you"

"Okay sounds good" I said before he hung up the phone. I bite the corner of my lip starring down at my phone realizing what had just happened. I quickly dialed Ericka and thankfully she answered this time. And after she stopped screaming and going crazy we talk a little about school.

"Wait do you even have anything to wear" She says changing the subject, I turn to my open closet and realize that I have absolutely nothing to wear. We agreed to go to the mall after school on Wednesday.

I ran down stairs after my mom yelled out that dinner was ready. And I took a seat by mom again and again Steven was directly in front of me. But I noticed something seemed off about him he was quiet way to quiet he almost seemed bothered about something he wouldn't look at anybody his eyes never left his plate of mashed potatoes and streak.

He sure was a mystery one second he is totally stuck up, one second he's offering me rides and flashing smiles to my parents and the next he seems totally depressed. Not that I wanted to figure him out he was still a total jerk and I still want nothing to do with him.

After I finish I walk but up to my room to do my homework, I was on my computer typing an essay when I heard a knock at my door. I typed up a few last words and got up from my bed to open the door.

"What are you doing" I say I rather shock; Steven was standing at my door.

"So are you going out with Cole?" he says looking somewhat confused and lost

Almost instantly my blood started to boil up inside me.

"Yes why do you care?"

"God damn chill it just a question, here" he said with a raised voice. As he handed me my keys and walked away.

Why does he care if I'm going on a date with Cole? Ugh I'm probably exaggerating and he doesn't actually care and was actually just asking a question. Maybe I overreacted a bit, I shrugged it off and started to get ready for bed.

The next morning I got took a shower remembering not to leave my bra on the towel rack this time and going back into my room. For some reason I wanted to wear something cute and actually look like I tried to get ready. Maybe it was because I knew I would see Cole.

I decided on a white sun dress and wore a tan knitted cardigan over it and gold flats. I looked in the mirror trying to decided what to do to my hair and decided to in a lose side braid and then put my make up on this time adding a little bit of eye shadow.

I walked down stairs where my mom had made pancakes and bacon for breakfast I sat down at my regular spot and started eating when I saw Steven walk into the Kitchen and saying good morning to my mom and taking the seat next to me.

And can I just say he smelled so good but I tried to keep from smiling so I shoved a huge bite of pancakes in to my mouth only to think I probably look like Theodore from Alvin and the Chipmunks. I take a gulp from my orange juice say good bye and head out the door.

I get to school and already Im dreading going to first period. But I can't not face it so I make my way to first period and take my normal seat. But thankfully I get through the entire period without Carter saying a word to me.

My next class I was really nervous for not because of Steven but because of Cole. I walk in and Cole, Aaron and Steven are already at their seats. So I take mine by Cole.

"Hi Bella" he says with the brightest smile I've ever seen on a human being. I mean brighter then when Ericka gets her Burger from In N Out.

The rest of the class goes by quickly without another word being said from anyone, until after when Cole offers to walk me to the fountain where I was going to meet Ericka. And as soon as I saw Ericka's face when she saw me walking with Cole her eyes mimicked the shape of her mouth which was now practically touched to tip of her chin.

The rest of the day went by quickly and before I realized it I was texting Cole until I finally fell asleep. The next day was Wednesday the school day also went by quickly without any issues by issues I mean Carter. But even if I did Cole would have instantly changed my mood when he walked me to the fountain again today.

After school I drove Ericka to the mall like we had agreed. She helped me pick out a black skirt and a sky blue dressy type shirt. She picked up some things to and I headed home dropping her off first.

As soon as I got home I noticed Steven was sitting at the couch.

"Hey can I talk to you" he said

I turned to corner and sat on the couch trying not to be to close to him.

"You know you shouldn't go on that date with Cole"

"I thought you didn't care if I did or not" I said in a rather annoyed, angry tone. Thankfully neither one of my parents were home so no one but him heard me.

" Look I'm telling you this because he's not what he's putting out to be, he acts like that towards girls to get what he wants and then leaves them"

"I can't believe you; you know he had nothing but nice things to say about you"

"That what he does he's done it before trust me" he said raising his voice.

"Trust you? Why would I ever in a million years trust you I'm going out with him this Friday and there's nothing you can do about so you're just going to have to deal with it!" I shouted now in his face and as loud as I can.

I walked off to my room leaving him standing without a word to say. I slammed my door and threw myself on my bed and starred up at the ceiling so angry that I could cry. Why does he care?

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