Chapter 3- My bra and the quarterback

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* Cole Edwards played by Colton Hayes*


I somehow managed to get past the entire first week of school without losing my mind with Carter trying to make conversation with me first period and the big bad three laughing at me during 2nd.Not to forget Steven's rude comments in 4th. I woke up on Saturday morning just as my mom was about to leave to work. My dad was meeting with a client in New York so he was out for a day or two and should be getting home tomorrow.

I walk straight to the fridge and pulled put the milk gallon and lucky charms from the cupboard just as my mom walk back into the kitchen.

"Sweetie Mr. Davis is coming by night to drop of his son if I'm not home by than be sure to greet him" she said taking an apple from the bowl on the kitchen table and heading out the door.

Usually I would be okay with being home alone all day. But the thought that I might be alone with Steven Davis for a few hours freaked me out. I don't want anything to do with that jerk, let alone live with him.

I sat down on the couch with a bowl of cereal in one hand and my TV remote in the other, flipping through channels to see what's on. I ended up falling asleep on the couch and woke up at 1:30. I quickly got and ran upstairs to my room remembering if had promised Ericka I would try out for cheer.

I wore my red Nike pro shorts and a white tank top and pulled my hair into a pony tail. I didn't bother putting makeup on since I would probably end up sweating it off. I went back down stairs realizing I still had time until I had to go pick up Ericka.

At 2:15 I got a call from Ericka she was ready so I went to go pick her up. We got to the school at 2:40 so waited outside the gym for the doors to open. The doors finally opened and we both went in and sat on the bleachers. First the coach Ms. Trudy went over everything we should be able to do and explained how tryouts will go.

Tumbling was done in the gym since they can't have the mat on field. And the dance routine would be on the field and everyone who passed the tumbling would walk over to the field together. Luckily the coach decides who makes the team not the captain so even if Katie doesn't want me and Ericka on the team there's nothing she can say about it which made me smile even though i don't really want to be here, I'm only here for Ericka.

"Ericka Thomas you're up first show us what you got" the coach yelled out taking a seat and the table that was set up in the front. Ericka took one last gulp of her water and walked to the mat. Two back flips followed by the spits and a standing tuck. She took a deep breath and continued with handspring tuck and finishing with a double back handspring. She smiled knowing she just perfectly landed all of them.

"Very good Ericka! Okay next up Isabella Martinez let's see what you got" coach said writing done Ericka's scores. I went out to the mat and took a deep breath. I started easy with a back bend kick-over and then did round off back handspring, round off back handspring layout, and finishing with two no handed back flips.

"Wow that was amazing I'm surprised you haven't considered joining the team before" the coach say clapping for me. And even though I don't actually want to be on the team it made me feel good to have people clap for me for a reason other than winning a spelling bee or the science fair.

About ten minutes later everyone had finished and Ms. Trudy started to call out the girls out of the 35 and I that tried out that pasted to the dance try outs. Both Ericka passed which caused Ericka to jump around screaming of joy and jumping to hug me. She was crazy and it made me laugh constantly.

We all started walking towards the football field which was cut in half because of football practice since football try outs happen during summer the team was already made. Ericka and I choose to stay towards the back and listened for instructions. Once she showed everyone the routine twice she had everyone do it. I was expecting it to be slutty and dirty but I surprisingly liked it.

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