Chapter 32 My soul my heart my everything

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Steven Pov.

I got up and the first Monday of winter break, today marks the 3rd week of the grandmas passing I'm not going to say it's easy but it's getting better.quickly made my way up to Bella's room. I creeped into her room trying not to wake her. I looked down at a small 5'3 girl with a round belly peeking out of the covers. Today is her appointment to see if she will be having a girl or a boy and I had already promised to tag along with her and her mom.

Soon Bella opens one eye waits for it to adjust to the light and then opens the other, I laugh and she looks at my confused tilting her head to the side and her messy bun follows.

"Your cute" I say smirking at her.

Her cheeks instantly fill with color as she throws her covers off of her revealing her kitten pajamas only making me giggle more.

"Well get out" she says trying to be serious but I can still see the blush growing on the apples of her cheeks.

"I need to change" she says.

"Oh well in that case I think I'll stay" I say laying back onto the bed and once again her cheeks begin to ignite with shades of red and pink.

"Out" she says stomping her foot.

"Ok ok whatever you say madame" I say walking out the room and down the stairs. I walk into the kitchen and spot Bella's mom making bacon on the stove .

"Oh good morning Mrs. Martinez" I say genuinely as I pour myself a glass of orange juice.

"Good morning Steven....So as I see you and Bella are getting pretty close aren't you?"

Almost instantly I can feel the sweat on my forehead begin to build up.

" Um yea I guess you can say that" I say nervous.

"You guess?" Says says raising an eyebrow

"Haha yea we get along pretty well"

"Well it's clear, I don't remember her being this happy since her and Carter, I don't know what it is but there's defiantly something about you." she says smiling, I smile back

" There's someone about her too" I say unable to control the smile on my face and the warmth in my cheeks.

Just a few seconds later Bella comes through the kitchen door and instantly grabs two pieces of bacon and an omelette her mom had already made for her. without saying a word she sits at the table and begins to eat.

I grab my plate that Mrs. Martinez had already had for me and sat by Bella who had a mouth full of omelette in her mouth with a bell pepper hanging off her lip.

" Hungry much" I tease her. she turns to me in a scowl.

"Hey now I'm eating for two now there for you can no longer judge my eating habits, those are the rules" she says confidently and taking a big gulp of my orange juice. I chuckle and we both continue eating.

"Well I'll be up stair tell me when it's time for the appointment" Bella's mom says before leaving the kitchen with a coffee mug in her hand. Just as she turn the corner she smirks and wiggles her eyebrows at me causing me to shift in my seat and turn red.

"Everything okay?" Bella says noticing how uncomfortable I got.

"Yea I'm good, you up for a movie we still have plenty of time before the appointment" I say trying the change the subject.

"Only if I get to pick the movie" she hooping in front of me before I can reach the movie rack. I go over to the couch and wait for her to pick a movie.

"I got it! This one we have to watch it!" She says turning around to reveal that she has the movie Lilo and Stitch in her hand.

"Seriously my 5 year old cousin grew out of that movie." I say completely honest.

"Well I love this movie so therefore we will watch it." she says in a sassy tone before putting it into the dvd player.

As soon as the movie was over Bella hopped up out of her seat and ran up to her room without saying a word. I sat there confused watching her worn out bunny slippers race up the stairs. I looked at my phone for the time and realized it's almost time for her appointment and she was probably going to go change.

Bella Pov

I ran up stair as fast as my swollen feet can take me and flew into my room shutting the door behind me. I quickly a pair of my many yoga pants and an old concert t-shirt and headed back downstairs. I decided I was going to wear my bunny slippers, nothing else t fits my feet right now anyway.

"Mom! It's time" I shouted into her room before making a last check at the mirror near the front door.

Dark circles surrounded my eyes and freckles  ran across my nose onto the apples of my cheeks.

"You ready?"

I turn to see Steven at the door with his hand on the door handle and my mom rummaging through her purse looking for her keys. I nod and  walk through the door as he opens it.

The day is more beautiful then it has been in a very long time I smile at the way the soft wind blows the few stands of her out of my face, take a deep breath and head for the car.

The car ride to the hospital is quite but I don't mind. My stomach is in a million knots like a pair  headphones in the bottom of your backpack, my hands feel sweating no matter how many times I wipe them on the car's leather.

I get to the hospital and I take a deep breath before opening my car door. We are directed to a white room with a bed monitor and a couple of chairs. I change into to hospital gown provided to me and lay on the bed. it's only then when I notice the picture frames on the walls, some of ultrasounds and some of new born babies.

Just a few minutes later the nurse walks in and begins to prepare everything.

"Are you nervous"she says noticing how tense I am.

"A little". I say honestly as I bite my lip.

"Don't you worry your in good hands"she says smiling.

I turn over to the chair, Steven is smiling back at me as well as my mom who already has tears in eyes. After the nurse asks me a million and one questions she begins the pour the blue clear gel all over my stomach.

We all look over at the monitor,  a small head appears and then a hand, and foot. every single little toe visible on the screen. I can't help but let the tears stream down my face.

"It's a girl!" The nurse says with joys.

She congratulates me and heads out to give us privacy. my mom embraces me in a long warming huge rubbing my back as I do the same.

Next is Steven there's an awkward second at first but he smiles and wraps his arms around me tightly allowing me to feel the warmth of his skin.

This baby might not have to been planned, and this baby's father may not be there for her when she falls but I will and I will never let her forget how beautiful she is. She is my soul, my heart, my everything

Okay so I'm so sorry for saying there will be an update one day and then it not happening but I'm trying to figure out a way to wrap up this book in a few chapters

*All editing will be made after it is finished*

Also if the book can get to 15k reads by the time it is finished (about 5-7 chapters more) I will write a pt. 2 , so share with friends!!!

Thank you so much for reading and leaving beautiful comments

Stay lovely :)

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