Chapter 5 Cole has a crush

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** Photo is to show how Ericka would look like**


I woke up Monday morning with a massive headache but still managed to get up since I didn't want to miss school. I'm somewhat obsessed with having perfect attendance. I got up and went down stairs and noticed my parents had already left for work so I went to the cupboard and pulled out my lucky charms and poured myself some cereal in a bowl and took it up to my room. And placed it on the dresser and walked over to my closet.

I pulled out a jean mini skirt and a floral button up blouse and threw it on. I finished my bowl of cereal and walk back down to the kitchen to put it in the sink. Steven was at my Fridge with a carton of orange juice shirtless and wearing the same gray sweats as before.

As soon as I turned the corner we made eye contact and I quickly looked away and made my way towards the sink.

"What no good morning" he said walking towards me and shoving his hands into his pockets. Instead of reply to him I just rolled my eyes and headed but to my room, Once I was back in my room I put on my converse and today decided to leave my hair down. So I simply brushed it out put my make up on and headed out.

"hey cupcake since we both going to the same place I'll do you the honor and I'll drive us to school" Steven said as he stepped into the living room.

"You'll do me the honor? who do you think you are and I much rather drive myself to school" I say rolling my eyes and turning around to the table in the hall only to notice my keys are gone as a knot starts to form in my throat.

"Look princess I'm Steven Davis and you and I both know every girl would kill to be where you are standing at this very moment. I'm giving you a ride and you can't do much about it since I hid your car keys, oh and don't say you'd rather walk cause you'll be late and you don't want to damage that perfect attendance now do you?" he said looking down at me raising an eyebrow.

Why does he want to give me a ride I would think he would want nothing to do with me. Oh great he knows I listened in on his call and now he's going to take me to my death. I waited at his car for him to unlock it and got in the passenger seat. He pulled out of my driveway and onto the street, as my heart beat raised by the second.

"So what your name again"

I cannot believe this is he really trying to make conversation with me.

"What's it to you, and slow down what are you trying to do kill us!" I snap facing towards him awhile his eyes were still on the road. And then I realized holy guacamole he is actually trying to kill me

"Would you chill?! I'm not driving that fast"

"No I will not calm down do you think I want the biggest egotistical jerk living in my house" I say still looking straight at him somewhat surprised that I managed the courage to say it. He seemed surprised to when looked at me with shock in his eyes.

We didn't speak the rest of the ride to school and as soon as we got to the parking lot. Every student turned to face us. All with faces white as a ghost as they noticed I was in the car with Steven. Two of those people just so happen to be Carter and Katie, Katie glared at me when she noticed me and Carter looked somewhat of a mixture of shocked and an abandoned sad puppy.

I quickly got out of the car trying my hardest not to make eye contact with anybody from the large group that was now welcoming Steven. I grunted when I realized I would have to face Carter and the millions of questions he's going to have in first period. I walked to English and thankfully Carter was not there yet so I sat down in the same seat as yesterday. I looked down at my desk and ran my fingers over the small cracks and traced my index finger to feel the texture of it as I saw a dark shadow figure come up from behind me and take the seat next to me. Knowing who it was I continued to rub my fingers down the damaged table surface. They reminded me of cuts and the discoloration of the wood made me think of cuts which were all too familiar to me.

"Hey can we talk"

I turn and see Carter with worry in his eyes. I took a deep breath and drew my attention back onto the desk.

"There's nothing to talk about" I say after I realize he was still staring at me waiting for my reply

"Why were you in Steven's car? I thought I told you to stay away from him" he says now with anger in his voice.

"Um well my car is in the shop and he saw me walking and offered to give me a ride and I took it" I said annoyed hoping that would end the conversation.

"You know you could have called me I would have been more than happy to pick you up"

"I didn't call you because I don't want anything to do with you Carter don't you get that!" I said a little bit too loud when I noticed everyone in the class was now looking our way. I turned my attention back to Carter who was wearing the same face from the day I caught him with Katie and broke up with him.

I felt somewhat bad the rest of the class but tried to focus that he deserves it for what he did to me. I told him everything about me. My deepest darkest secrets .I told him about how I used to self-harm he even got me to stop because of how much I cared for him. The only other person who knows those things about me not including my parents is Ericka and it took me years to tell her about my adoption.

After class I walked over to my locker and put my books away and headed for my next class. Remembering I have it with Steven and his minions. But they weren't they there they probably ditched class which I was happy I was able to focus a lot better without them chuckling behind my back.

My next class flew by and then I had AP Chem which if you don't remember I had with Steven. He actually managed to show up to this class but neither one of us said a word to each other. Next was lunch which I was glad because I was now extremely hungry. I met up with Ericka and we talked about our day.

"Steven Davis himself gave you a ride to school" she shouted so loud I'm sure everyone in the lunch line heard.

"Would you keep your voice down?"

"I'm sorry but OMG! I would have pissed my pants"

Of course this made me laugh. She always says the weirdest things but they never fail to make me laugh. After we finished we both walked to marriage and family class and then cheer practice after. Which would be held on the track?

I saw the football players running laps when Steven came up to me and told me to wait at his car after practice. I agreed and returned to practice. After practice I made my way towards his car and waited but it wasn't long before he was out as well. We both got into his car and he turn and the engine. After a few minutes of silence Steven finally breaks the silence

"So Cole has a crush on you"

"Really" I say rather shocked but still a small smile formed at the corners of my mouth.

" yea he wanted me to give him your number" he handed me his phone where a text message was already open with Cole's name written at the top I typed in my number and sent the message and handed the phone back to Steven who grabbed and put it in his pocket without taking his eyes off the road. We got home and I went up to my room and sat there waiting for a call from Cole when my phone finally rang...


**AH don't hate me I'll update a new chapter tomorrow this one was getting really long**

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