Chapter 3 - Mr. Beaumont's past

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"Nothing special – if you weren't nothing special, then Michael wouldn't be eyeing you."

Jess eyed me. "Give it a shot." 

"He's my boss!" 

"And who would fire you if they found out?" 

"My boss." I looked at her. "Oh." 

"Exactly, oh. Why should he fire you if he's crushing on you?" 

"I don't want him to keep me in this company just because he likes me – well, if he does like me that is. I want him to see my potential!" 

"If he didn't, he wouldn't have asked you to come by for an interview dear. He only hires the best. I mean, look at me."

We shared a laugh.

"But you are good, Jess." 

"I know", she ruffled my hair. "Now let's get to these files before Michael comes back and kills us for slacking. Today is Thursday. Michael will get back on Wednesday."


"The shirt is too tight", Janet snarled at me as I made my way to the coffee machine. I tried not to roll my eyes. Monday mornings were even worse with such colleagues around. 

"It's a normal shirt!" 

"It's too tight around your chest, Mrs Atkins! Go get changed this instant!" 

"I have nothing else to wear ..."

Her lips were shaking in anger.

"What seems to be the problem?" 

His voice. 

Didn't Jess say he would be absent until Wednesday!? My heart was beating rapidly, and I braced myself to face the sexiest man on this planet. I peered over my shoulder and caught a glance of his chest and arm. 

"Mrs Atkins is violating the dress code once again!", Janet boomed, almost sounding proud of herself. Mr. Beaumont's eyes darted over me, stopping at my eyes. We looked at each other, until his intense eyes became too much for me and I had to look away.

"What part is she violating, Mrs White?" 

"Her shirt is too tight. Her skirt is too thin of a material to be appropriate. Her heels are 3 inches instead of 2!" 

"Oh come on now!", I grumbled. 

Mr. Beaumont checked me once again. "The shirt is fine, Mrs White, as are the heels. We said a maximum of 3 inches, so that passes too."

My boss asked Mrs White to feel my skirt. 

"Silk", Janet said without touching me. "As clear as day." 

"I have to inform you silk material is forbidden for work clothing as it is too thin", Mr Beaumont crooked his head. "Please see to it you stay in the office and don't let our customers see you."

Just because my skirt was made out of silk?

"Yes, Sir", I admitted my defeat, causing Janet to smile proudly. She stalked away to get her next prey. We watched after her, and I shook my head as she went past her cubicle to the other offices. 

"I'm sorry, Mrs Atkins, but rules are rules", Mr. Beaumont told me, uncrossing his arms behind his back. 

"It's alright. I should have known", I tugged at my skirt. "At least I know not to wear this around here anymore." 

Falling for my boss ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ