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Well, that's the end of Hearts. If you made it this far, it must not have been half bad. I want to thank those of you who got this far. Y'all stuck with it through everything I put y'all through. Thank you. This book was such a mess of twists and turns, but it mostly reflected how I felt when writing. This book reflected me as a person. I was able to put all of my feelings into this book, something I couldn't do with essays for school, because it "wouldn't be appropriate". I thank you all for reading this, no matter how many triggers I sent your way, or how many problems I put Lyra through. 

Before anyone asks, I do plan on making a sequel to this book. I actually plan on making this at least a trilogy, if at all possible. But there will most definitely be a sequel at some point. Maybe I'll write it after my newer fanfics get off the ground. 

If you are looking for more of my works, I have a My Chemical Romance fic called Nothing But Love. It is about Mikey Way adopting a girl, much like this fanfic. However, there are several problems that arise which are different from this one. There will most likely still be occasional triggers and problems, like this one, but I will try my hardest not to make it a repeat of this one.

I have a book coming out soon that I am calling Broken Promises. It is a fanfic in which Brendon and Sarah Urie adopt a nine year old in order to save her from an abusive foster home. At first, it sounds much like this book and Nothing But Love, but I assure you it will be different. 

You also may have noticed that I took down Big Brother and Baby Girl. Rest assured, they are not deleted forever. I moved them to drafts because I was unsatisfied with how they were turning out. I will most likely be rewriting them to satisfy my visions. I have big plans for them both, but they were not living up to my expectations in their current forms.

Again, thank you all for being so patient and dealing with everything I threw out during the writing of this book. It is something I take great pride in. I was extremely satisfied with the point it reached. I will try not to make you wait too long for the sequel. Thank you.

So long and good night,


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