Crazy, or Possibly Insane.

Start from the beginning

I was almost fully convinced that these guys were blind.  Either that, or just plain stupid …

“I give up …”  I said under my breath, letting my head fall, and hit the top of my desk.

Seriously … I really do.  It’s just one more year, right?  I guess I can handle being ignored until then … I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?  Me not having any friends … and … yep, that’s about it.  I can deal with that.  

I quietly chuckled.

… Not that I have any other choice but to do so ...

The sound of people laughing, and talking rather loudly pulled me from my train of thought.  I looked up, and saw a small group of students walking into the classroom.  

I could only guess who was in the middle of that small group.

Again, I sighed.  Hmm?  I seem to do that a lot, huh?  He-he-he … anyway.

Speaking of stupid … here comes the king ...

“Seriously man!  I think you might’ve gone a little too far that time!”  Said one of the guys, I knew to be Peter, to none other than …

“Nah, that guy had it comin’.  Next time he should think before stealing another guy's girlfriend.  Much less Mars Greene’s girlfriend, well, now ex-girlfriend.”

Mars Greene was like everyone else and probably doesn’t even know who I am.  Only thing that stands out about him is that he’s known as, basically, the class clown at Grayson High School.  Not only that, but he’s also known as being, as everyone calls him, the ultimate prankster.  

Seriously, people know what he does, yet, more than half of the people here adore him.  And for what?  Being stupid, and acting out?  Not too impressive if you ask me …  funny how dumbass’s like him get more attention than smart people like myself get.  That’s just a joke.  It’s not funny, I’ll tell you what it is, it’s bullshit!  

“Yeah, you’re probably right.”  Another guy, whom of which I didn’t know, said.  

“Probably right?  Ha!  He’s always right, you dumbass!”  Peter said, then he and Mars high fived.  

I frowned, as I continued to look at them.  

Just then, miss Nelson walked into the room, and made the small, yet loud group of teens sit down at their desks.  

Oh boy, the clown got dumped … again!  Damn, I’ll bet it’s that crazy hair of his.  The whole time I’ve been here, he’s dyed his short spiky hair - that’s already crazy looking enough on its own - just about every color under the sun.  And, out of the many times he’s done it, I’ve only seen him dye his hair a normal color, maybe three or four times.  

I’m not even sure why he does it.  Not sure I want to know …

I do know that not all girls like it, and I just so happen to be one of those kind of girls.

As class began, I turned my head to look at Mars, who was leaning back slightly in his chair, and propping his - now bare - feet up on his desk.  

I shook my head in annoyance, and averted my eyes back down to my own desk.  But, right when I did, a crazy, or possibly insane thought, or shall I say, plan came to mind …  

Just then I knew what I had to do …


TheFirstWinterSnow (Maddy):  Alright … I know a certain person must hate me right now for that ending … sorry Kyeire :(  Savvy made me do it!  I swear!  

TheRiverRunsDeep (Savvy): Made you do what? Post an awesome story.

TheFirstWinterSnow (Maddy):  Made me leave it off where I did!  That’s what!  >:-(  You and your damned cliffhangers …

TheRiverRunsDeep (Savvy): You might not be a fan of my cliffhangers, and neither may your fans. But they are damn entertaining! *Wicked Smile*

TheFirstWinterSnow (Maddy):  You are an evil, evil person, ya know that?

TheRiverRunsDeep (Savvy): I am evil, but ya love me. After all, everyone loves me!!!... Right Kyeire? ... Kyeire? ... Kyeire?!

*Kyeire was pronounced shocked by the end of the chapter and was rushed to the ER (Hospital)...*

TheFirstWinterSnow (Maddy):  Okay, anyways … to anybody else who is reading this story … I’m sorry for that ending … blame Savvy.

TheRiverRunsDeep (Savvy): You shouldn’t be sorry Maddy ... But Anywhoo, if you haven’t doubled over in wonder and shock, then COMMENT! VOTE!

Yo Monkey: I DEMAND YOU!

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