Something Important.

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Hey! ^-^ So, I wasn't planning on updating this for a while, but, due to one of my friends getting overly curious, and wanting an update, I decided to go ahead and update!  Here is the first chapter! ^-^

P.S.  Please excuse any errors that might be in here! (THERE shouldn't be any! Savvy edited this!!! (@TheRiverRunsDeep))  ^-^

Enjoy!  ^-^


Chapter One: "Something Important"

At first I thought it was because I wasn't use to going to a regular school. Due to be growing up in homeschooling, and never really getting a feel of what the outside world was like. In return, I never really knew what it would be like attend a school. Therefore, I wasn’t prepared for what awaited me on the first day for attending an actual high school. Much less, Grayson High School.

Here’s how it played out …

I stood, frozen at the blue iron front doors, of the school. I was standing there for a good five or ten minutes. My heart was going ninety to nothing. I tired to take deep breaths, to calm my nerves. Right when I reached to grab the handle of one of the doors, I was pushed away by many teens who were in a hurry not to be late to class, or so I was guessing. Once I finally made my way inside, someone - either accidentally, or on purpose - tripped me. My books went flying out of my hands as I fell flat on my butt.

I'm such a klutz. I thought as everyone around me either laughed, or ignored me as they walked by.  Then, to make matters even worse, I ended up being late for my first class, and was locked out of the class room for it.  

For the first eight months to a year, I was one of the many laughing stocks of the entire school. I think it was due to me being 'freshmeat' and easy to pick on. Basically, my life had been shot straight to hell that year..

But, you know  what?  As horrible as all of that sounded, I’d much rather go back to being picked on than to have things stay the way they are now.  At least back then I wasn’t ignored, and forgotten about like I am now.  Currently, nobody even knows who I am or talks to me, it's like I'm a ghost. Hell, not even the teachers fully know who I am.  Well, except for my creative writing teacher.  She is about the only person in the entire school who remembers me, and actually will take the time to have a decent conversation with me from time to time.  

As much as I would like to change things, I am faced with one small - well, sort of small - problem.  That I’m way too shy, and am unable to be even the least bit social.  The only way I can actually talk to someone without being timid is if I’ve gotten to know them well enough.  

So, it’s practically impossible for me to do anything to change my sucky high school life.

Well, there’s always that one saying that’s almost always going through my mind … and that’s:  It could be much, much worse.

I just hope I’m right.


I woke up to the sound of the small alarm clock on my cell phone going off.  And, what most would see as being the worst sound in the world at this time of day - 5: 30 AM - I see as being a very helpful sound.  It helps me to do some well needed exercise, take my shower, have my breakfast, and still be ready for school on time.

Early to bed, early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise.  I grew up hearing that from my father, and that it worked tremendously for him.  I didn’t want to go by it at first, due to it sounding so silly, and not to mention - in my mind - impossible to go by.  But, once I finally started going by it, I began to notice how right he was.  Well, maybe not the wealthy part yet, but I’m sure that’s to come soon enough.

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