Chapter 24: Fake much?

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I woke up to the scorching sound of my dad, waking me for school. I just rolled my eyes, I try my best to treat him with the best attitude ever. No, not the wonderful dancing attitude.

I grunt and slowly retrieve myself from my bed. I admire my wonderful WWE titles. I have 6, the magnificent collection. The gray pastel color compliments me. I haven't been to school for a week, and I have no idea how people will react towards me dating Louis Tomlinson.

I went casual to school. Everything black. I still stuck with the only two people who needed me. I grabbed my phone and looked trough it.

WOW. I actually had messages.

Louis: Good luck love xx. See you on Saturday.

Perrie: Um, I have no idea if you're in to acting, but there's a spot that needs to be fu-filled. Of course you need to audition but if your interested in it. Let me know.

Stacy: I'm here.

After that I turned off my phone. I wondered why these fools texted me so early, but I forget that Danielle is on the other side of the world so it's totally okay.

I walked outside and hoped into Stacy car. We started to jam out. Of course jk I was intruded by the Radio guy who took it open himself to speak of something so unnecessarily.

When we arrived I was so surprised to see so many people waiting for us. "WHAT THE HELL?!" I whispered loudly to the crazy people that laid before me.

"Hey Lili", "I can't believe you're dating Louis Tomlinson" , "We should totally be friends Lilli!" I rolled my eyes at every single comment. Me and Stacy walked to my locker, with a lot of people following. "Guys calm down!" I shouted rolling my eyes. Today was going to be a long day.

We found Bre and went to go get breakfast, "Lilli everybody is literally dying to talk to you!" I rolled my eyes, "Guys I don't want to talk to them, I have 3 perfect friends!" I hugged my two friends and then touched Bees stomach. Of course she giggled.

After we separated, we went to our 1st period. Of course I went with Stacy because we have the same period. This one, 4th, 5th and 7th.

"Hey Lilli!" was chirped by almost everybody. "Good morning Lilli! Would you like to share your story about how you're dating a famous celebrity?" The archer asked. "No Mrs. I just want the make up work." I said sliding in to the desk.

"Don't worry about it Lilli, you looked amazing in the interview by the way!" I rolled my eyes. "Okay, Mrs." I groaned. There was no surprise that I was annoyed.

As class begun, I received notes, taps, or even awkward whispers that sent mischievous shivers down my back asking for the boys signature. Oh brother. These girls were desperate.

My next classes were also similar to this. Was dating a celebrity this interesting. I like it, I got away with texting. I replied to Louis and told him how my life was ruined and how people were head over him and his stupid band.

I went ahead and told Perrie that I would love to do that audition. Anything. Its not like I didn't want to be in this audition, I just wanted to be free. Besides, I might actually like it. Matter a fact I'm going to contact that modeling agency.

Who knows where my life is heading.


Stacy drove me and Bre home. Bre came over to my house to talk about bout the apartment we planned on getting. She was going to get a job and save up while I get a job and go to college. She's going to have to take care of that baby of her's. Unfortunately I might have to see my wonderful ex more often.

"Um hey, Bre I'm going to audition for some movie premier! and I might just call that modeling agency. But we can just go over there and get an apartment over there!"

She grinned. "That's great Lilli!" She actually seemed happy, I was scared if her reaction. But. I support every decision you make!" I smiled. "Okay, I'm going to call Louis!" She laughed. "It's like you're actually dating!" I rolled my eyes.

I dialed Louis' number."Hello love" Louis shouted. HIS deep British voice kept me quiet for a while. "Um hey guess what?", he chuckled. "What?" I stayed quiet. "I am calling back the modeling company and auditioning for a movie premier. But we will still be dating." I laughed. "Well that's amazing, don't let it change you. I like t out the way you are!" I looked at my phone.

Did he just say that? Did he mean it the way I liked him. Well I thinned I like him, but I can't Louis loves Harry. "UM it won't ." I stayed quite for a while. I never understood anything really.

"Hey Lou, you like totally made me popular!" I let put a little chuckle. "That's great!" I rolled my eyes. "Um no, now people want to talk to me. I don't like it. I'm totally fine with the friends I have right now!" He chuckled to himself. "That's good Lilli"

"PLEASE STOP SAYING THAT. IT GIVES ME CHEST PAIN!" He laughed loudly. "Chest pains?!" He asked. I nodded. "YEEES, AND YOU WERE GIVING THEM TO ME!" I said sarcastically, but it was funny to hear him laugh. I liked it. "You're crazy, but I got to go Love."

"Alright see you!" After I got on twitter, it was like I was totally different person. All of these people were acknowledging me. All of these people will never end up being my friends.

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