Chapter 5: I am Lilliana, but call me Lilli.

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"Okay, now we know why your here, what's your name?" I smirked. Silly boys.

"What's yours?" He looked at the others. "I'm Liam, that's", I paused. "Who's curly?" I said, nodding my head towards him. "Harry?" said Liam. I glared at him as he received pats on the back saying 'your the chosen one'. What in blue flack is wrong with these boys. "Bandana stealer! Now continue?" Harry starred at me with confused after my comment.

"That's Niall, that's Zayn, That's Louis and that's Lu" I cut him off.

"I know who they are, can I call my friend so she knows I'm on the road with..." I paused and made a face with disgust "You!", They laughed until they realised it was an insult.

"Not before you tell us your name!" Zayn said. "Marilyn Rodd", he nodded "Okay.You can call!"

I got out my phone, I had a million messeges from Stacy and Bre. I immediately called Bre.

"PUT IT ON SPEAKER!" Niall shouted, jumping to sit next to me. He actually made me laughed.

"Hey, Omg Lilli I thought you died, where are you? we are waiting?!"

"Um yeah, about that, I am apart of the band until you can pick me up in San Diego?!"

"WHAT?!Give me the phone" Stacy grabbed the phone. I'm on speaker too.

"LILLIAN MARIE RODD! You are not getting picked up til their concert in Pittsburgh, got it. You will thank me later. Besides I actually have a ticket for that concert. Welcome. Oh btw I'll let your mom know, ttyl, Love you!" I was incomplete shock.

I looked at the boys who were complete dumbfounded. "So can I stay with you for a week?", the boys looked around. "ONE CONDITION?" I nodded, "What's your real name?" Liam asked.

"I am Lilliana, but call me Lilli", they smiled. "Okay."

"I so hate you Stacy, you to Bre!" I said to the phone.

"Love you too! get some girl" they both said. And just like that, they hung up.

The boys faces were quite priceless.

"Tell us about your self!" they all nodded in agreement. "Yeah" escaped some of there mouths. "The truth" Zayn mumbled. I glared at him.

"Y'all have to do it too, and I'm Lilli, with an I! I like to sing but I never said I was good at it, as you can tell I love doing rebellious things, I'm very unpredictable" I walked to the middle of the bus and did a small cart wheel with one hand.

"You're quite the weird one" Louis added. I stuck my tongue out, and he mimicked me. I sat next to him and grabbed his nose. We both laughed. I sat next to him and Niall once again. Harry was giving me the death glare.

"Um what's up with you curly?!" he shook his head, "Obviously there is, you're giving me the death glare, I do that a lot", he gave me a smirk but no answer.

"Hey can I borrow one of your clothes? I usually sleep in under wear and bra but you know?" They all laughed. "You can use mine?" Liam offered. I nodded and followed him to his bunk. He handed me boxers and a white solid tee. "Thanks Leeeeeeyuuuum, you must have one big" I stopped there because of his expression. "Um how old are you, your like a little kid, 14 or 15?"

I glared at with my famous evil eye. "18" one year, so what I lied. "Oh, how old is your friend that she is obsessed with our band?", I looked at him oddly. "17", one year, it's not considered a lie. "Lets go" he said. Me following him.

I walked back and sat next to Louis and Niall once again. I placed the clothes on my lap. "Why are y'all so quiet, let's do something not boring!" They looked at me quite please.

"Okay" Michael said. 5SOS is a lot quieter than usual, I don't like it. I think I bring them uncomfort.

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