Chapter 11: Open my eyes.

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I was the first awake, again I woke up with a clear mind. Tonight the boys were pretty much off. Sunday is amazing.

But what wasn't amazing that I was like 7 hours away from my family and my friends. I loved were I was right now, trust me, any girl could only wish they could be in my position.

But I was nothing compared to those fan girls, I didn't find these boys OMG I'M GOING TO DIE attractive. They were cute, but not that cute.. I decided to text Luke back. It's like 7 o'clock, what else was I suppose to do.

I went on Twitter. I couldn't believe my eyes, I had so many followers and tweets towards me. Some were so sweet, others were quite terrifying and stalker-ish. Some of these people needed help, usually I wouldn't let people get away with this. But, this time there were way to many people.

I had messages from people who just followed me that I don't even recall a re-tweet not once.

So this is the life of a star. Hm, I think I can get used to it. I always liked attention. I might just accept it. I went ahead and texted my mom. I told her everything about age, and she also suggested I tell Louis. Now I must tell Louis. My mom was wise and she knew what she was saying.

To be honest, I loved the attention I was getting. I've never really had talent so this pretty much sums everything up. I am Louis Tomlinson's temporary girlfriend. It was just the part of telling them I made a mistake, I was 17. No I don't think I will do it. But I must.

I decided to get my bag and go to the tiny restroom and change. I put on my tee on with a sweater over it, and leggings and badge house boots. I put my short hair in a small pony tail. Not much you can to with plain, short hair. My hair is naturally nothing. It's like wavy and straight, in between really.

I walked out, and Zayn was mysteriously trying to unlock my phone. "Noisy much?" He smirked. I sat next him, "", he looked at me with confusion tilting his head. "Oh okay!" he chirped finally getting what I said. I shook my head giggling.

He started flipping trough my apps. "You have twitter!?" he shouted. I nodded. "Yes, hey are you the only one awake?" he nodded. "I'm going to follow you" he said smiling.

Zayn's following me, Louis is following me! Ahh. I'm not a big fan but they're famous, it's impossible not be excited. I sound so rude, but I don't care.

He typed in my name in his phone and he went ahead and followed himself. "You got a messege from Luke!" he said, shooting a wink at me. I rolled my eyes. "Can I read your messages?" I nodded.

"Weird boy! But I guess you can ZAYN," I didn't understand why I emphasized Zayn.

"You have my girlfriend's number ?!!!" He asked shooting his head up. "Yup!" I replied. "Since when?", "Since YESTERDAY!" He laughed causing me to smile.

He continued reading trough the rest of my messages: he probably thought I was popular. To be honest I was far from it, I had only two friends. But I was totally okay with that.

I watched his expressions. Probably on me and Bre or me and Stacy is conversation.

He looked at me with anger and annoyance. "How old are you?" my expression widened, he knew. He saw that message.

I looked down at my boots. "17" I said softly. "Why do you keep lying to us, what are we to you? I don't know what to believe about you. I mean what are you going to do when they figure out your age! Louis is 20!! 20 years old." He said shaking his head.

"Look Zayn, I don't even know why I do the stuff I do. I tend to mess up a lot. Okay? I'm sorry" he looked at me right in the eye with a blank expression. I couldn't read his emotions.

"Look you should really talk to Louis especially be for you sign that contract." He said as nice as possible. I nodded. "Okay!"

Zayn slowly walked away and that's when I let out all my feelings in the pillow. I laid back down and covered my face with the red circular pillow.

For some odd reason, I hated the word tears. I hated crying. I hated it but for some reason it always came streaming down my face. I always tried hiding it behind this bad girl image. Bad girls never get hurt, for the exception of this one.

My cheeks burned as my tears came flooding down.

No, I can't let my self get like this. I got up and went to restroom and dried my eyes. I don't want people seeing me like this. Then they will give me pity, that's last thing I need or want. I don't need saving.

When I walked out, I sat down and looked at my phone. I went trough twitter again. I went ahead and typed 'Larry' to see what popped up.

The management was completley right the world wasn't ready for these guys. Of course girls would be accepting. But some people won't even accept themselves because their gay was not okay. I blame their parents, just like I blame my father.

I wasn't on management's side, because I knew the main reason was because they wanted the money. But I felt a part of the boys had no idea what was coming to them, if they were to come out. Some of these people were so hateful towards gays. I couldn't comprehend it.


Your probably wondering, "wtf?" "who Da father?"


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