Chapter 23: Ice cream ..

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I struggled to get out of the grip of who's ever arms. I calmed when I realised it was Louis'. "JUST LET ME GO!" I didn't realise I had ran so far, so fast. I was on a total different block. Stacy quickly followed and Bre.

"Why did you follow me, you should've let me go. I hate him. I HATE HIM" Louis hugged me. I looked at Stacy and Bee who were awkwardly crying. "Lilli, PLEASE calm down. I've never see you like this!" Stacy called out and hugged me.

"Guys he slapped me, my mom let him. She let him!" Bre then took her time and hugged me. "Look one month, it's just one month. Then we ditch this city and move in apartment and start our new lives." I nodded.

I was shaking. "He left me for two years. Not one call. Not one text. Yet the whole time he stays in touch with my mom. What the hell is that?" They sat around me and then the other boys started showing up.

"You alright Lilli?" Harry asked. "Y'all should've let me go... but I'm okay!" Stacy looked at Harry. "She's not okay. You have never done that. I new you since I was 12. Not once have I seen you act like this. It is okay to cry!" I shook my head.

It wasn't. I  wasn't. meant to cry. "How about we go for ice cream ay'?" I smiled slightly. "Cab I bring my sister?" Louis laughed. "Yea!"

We walked home, my dad and mom were in her or their room. I didn't like this idea. It disgusted me. I was built with anger.

I knocked on Kate's door and she opened it. Her eyes were blood shut red. I grabbed her and pulled her in to a hug. She was sensitive. I heard the 'Awes' that followed by my action.

"Were going to get ice cream with the boys!" She laughed. "Okay!" the smile made me warm up.


Louie POV.

I watched Lilli's eyes as she observed  every moment of Kate. She was awfully alert of her. They were so similar.

Everything about Lilli made me curious. I was interested in every action. She changed in to something more comfortable, and removed all her make up. Some how she remained beautiful.

She did what most girl feared to do, she hated and crying and loathed nobody. She was funny. She was so similar to me.  She didn't hate her body, she embraced it. She was confident.

"You okay Louis?" She asked interrupting my thoughts about her. Her face was funny. It was sarcastic. That's what I loved about her, you never knew when she was serious. "Um yeah!" I shot at her her sister giggled.

"I have to go to the restroom, I'll be right back!" Her sister commented. "Um, I'll go with you!" Kate's eyes widened "No. I'm 15 I can handle my self!" Lilli gave an unconvincing laugh. "Little shit" She murmured. I laughed to my self. "I'll go with you, I have to use the bathroom my self!"

Kate rolled her eyes. "Hurry up! You're  not using the girls restroom are you?" Yup. She had humor just like her sister. I shook my head and laughed. "I know you really like my sister" I shot my heads towards her. "I have a boyfriend." She laughed, "I know, so don't develop too deep of a crush" and then she went to the restroom.

I looked at my self in the mirror. Was she right? I mean Lilli's beautiful, but I can't be. I'm in love with Harry. Harry was perfect in every single way. 

I heard the door swing open and I glanced to see Lilli's small sister standing there with her hands cross. She helt the door open with her toe. "Are you done, you know talking to your self!" I laughed at her snobby comment. "Shut!" I murmur. Kate was probably just as unpredictable as her sister.


sorry it was so short. I have so much planned I'm actually dying. But thanks for reading if you got this far I probably love you. lol.

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