Chapter 17: Coffee Shop

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When we arrived at the coffee shop, we ordered and just talked. She seemed to be very interested on why my dance career ended. I told her why and the truth.

"So when did you start ballet?" I asked her. "I was 3 years old, my mom was a failed ballet dancer and she put all her hope in me!" She said with a not so bright smile. "Is that what you want to do?" She shook her head. "Well i do, I just want to travel!" I nodded. "Me to!" I gave her a fist bump.

She was oddly confused.  I took my phone off of airplane mode to only receive a million calls. Shit. I forgot about these fools. "Can I make a quick call?" She laughed, "Go ahead!", " I am so sorry!" I begun walking toward the restroom.

I called Harry back "What Harry?!" I whispered. "OH THANK GOD YOU'RE OKAY! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEID! WE LITERALLY SAT HERE WORRIED FOR HOURS. WE WERE SO SCARED." I giggled. "I'm sorry, I'll be there soon, I am busy. But I am okay!" Harry signed. "Okay, please text me so i know!" I giggled once again. "Okay Mom!"

I went back to Nina. She was just staring at me. I couldn't help but stare back. "I'm sorry, if i tell you, something. Will you tell?" I asked  her. "I promise i won't!" She said sticking out her pinky.  I looked at her oddly. I stuck my pinky to hers. "I'm dating this guy from  a famous band!" I said hysterically. Her face looked weird.

"Ready?" I nodded. "Ready!" We both got out of our seats and begun walking out of the Coffee Shop. We walked out and stood in front of the shop. "Hey, um this may sound weird but I can I take a picture with you, I might see you on an article or something" I laughed. "Yes!"

We stopped an old gentle man to take a picture of us and he did so. On her phone, and mine. "Can I have your number? So we can keep in contact?" She smirked at me and nodded. We swapped phones and exchanged numbers.

"Well I should go, these boys are driving me crazy!" She giggled. "Alright, text me, it was nice meeting you!" She shouted as she begun walking. "Bye" I shouted back. I piut my headphones in, and smiled all the way back, even on the bus. When i was dropped off, i slowly walked to the back of the store where the tour bus was. I knew I was about to here it.

I walked in to see the boys faces with concern. When i came in, there faces blew up and they came towards me with me with grinning faces and hugs. "Where were you?", I looked at the ground. "The Coffee Shop". "For 6 hours?" I rolled my eyes. "Don't worry about it!" I laughed.

Then we all sat down, it was almost 6:00 already. "Explain!" Louis demanded. I signed. "Later!" and they dropped it, just like that.

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