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can you believe i am going to visit gyeongbokgung palace with lucas, i can't believe this. i don't deserve him, he worked hard for tickets many years ago. not for only one, but for two, he knew he wanted to bring someone with.

and it was me.

my arms were linked to him, while we looked up at it, we saw it. saw the palace, we both had a smile on our face. we looked at each other, and his face was so close our nose touched. he was so beautiful, this close.

"look at where we are hyejin" lucas smiled, and looked back at the palace. i smiled, with teeth showing. "we're at gyeongbokgung palace"

we walked together at the entrance.

every single second, minute, i enjoyed being with him. my hand wrapped on his, and him walking right beside me felt like gold. i was so complete, exploring this palace with him was so incredible experience.

finally i was in this palace, with a wonderful person.

[i know this chapter should be longer, but sorry i suck at this so much. i know lucas and hyejin's dream is visiting this place, but i don't even know how it looks like so sorry guys]

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