Tuesday - 25th June

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  • Dedicated to Head and Neck Cancer Institute

Dear Diary,

I took some plates out of the kiln today and one of the quotes that was on one of them really stood out to me. Nat must've made that one because I had never seen that plate before.

"If you wait too long for the perfect moment, the perfect moment will pass you by".  I don't know why it had such an effect on me. I guess there were so many things that I wanted to do that I didn't because it was too cold or it was raining or because I hadn't felt like it.

There have been times where I have been a second away from doing things but I have chickened out, and because of that I have missed out on some of the things I can only dream of now. It sucks, it truly sucks. This quote just got me thinking. So I thought I should do something. 

From this quote I have derived my own, here it is: 'Don't wait for the perfect moment, make the moment perfect.' 

I have a remainder of 79 days left. So, I'm making a bucket list, baby! I've always thought of doing one, but I've never had the time to actually sit down and write all the things I want to do in life.

These are some of the things that I want to do in the next 79 days.

~ A backwards bungie - That’s where you get flung up into the air. Google it.

~ Climb a famous mountain. I.e. Mount Fuji or Mount Everest.

~ Finish all of those plates

~ Ride in a jet

~ Raise over $3000 for any cancer foundation

~ Paint a really good painting.

~ Meet Nina Dobrev and the entire cast of The Vampire Diaries

~ Get backstage passes to a concert

~ Walk the Great Wall of China

~ See a Fashion show

~ Visit all 7 continents

~ Visit Machu Picchu

~ See the northern lights

~ See the statues of Easter Island

~ Go to Niagara Falls

~ Visit Notre Dame de Paris

~ See the Macy's thanksgiving parade

~ Sing with Bruno Mars

Those are just some ideas but basically I am asking the world to give me an infinite amount of money so I can see the whole world. I'm gonna ask my parents but they probably won't be able to afford it, so unless someone comes up with a way to allow me to go, then I'm going to have to rethink my last 79 days.

Nat was able to stand today, and move around a bit. We made more plates. We are starting to get under the thousand mark. It's tough, she has less than a month left and I want to visit basically the whole world, I don't think I'm going to have enough time to do both. I should do the plate thing, because that's what I decided to do first, and because it will be good in Nat's memory, but this world thing is just so amazing. I don't know.

 I'm really starting to get sick of this whole cancer thing; it's getting to my emotions. Like how I had a seizure yesterday, it was because my blood pressure had gone up by 150% and then crashed to less than 30% of what's meant to be.

Alex showed me the tape and I have to say, it looked like I was dying. I am so glad people were there because if they weren't, I would definitely be dead. 

Look, that's it. I'm going to think of some more ideas for that bucket list, so good night.

Alyssa xx

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