Saturday - 15th June

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  • İtfaf edildi Ronald McDonald Foundation

Dear Diary,

As you know, I was allowed out of the hospital today. I went out with my gang from school. We went out shopping and also to the movies. There's a year eight dance tomorrow night so I'm going with Zac. We all bought our outfits tonight. I didn't bring them back here today because I didn't want to ruin the fun we were having. On Monday we have a day off because the dance will be going into late hours that will be when I tell them. I'll tell them to come to my place and we'll get the cancer hut's limo to run us back here. Can you believe it? They have a limo.

So now to the topic of today. Today was amazing. Like I said, we went shopping and we went to the movies to. There was; Kate, Megan, Victoria, Hayley, Zac, Alex, Chance, Kyle, Daniel and, obviously, myself. Kate and Chance are the top couple at Fell's High in year eight. Hayles and Dan are also are couple and so are Victoria and Kyle. It's so obvious that Megan and Alex like each other, we're trying to get them together for the dance. 

So today we talked and laughed the whole time. The others were wondering what I had to make me not go to school and I told them I was feeling really weak and nauseous. They told me about all the latest gossip, like how Christian broke up with Casey because Casey really liked Jase, and how Mrs. Charcjoul is having a baby soon, also Lucy and Pip have had some massive fight over bull so Lucy is trying to join our group. They are all saying that it will never happen but they don't know what's going on in my body. How long I have left. Soon though. They'll know soon. 

Tomorrow's the dance and I'm meeting the others at my place and the limo will take us there. I know I'm using the limo a lot but it wasn't booked. Today us girls went shopping for our dresses without the boys so that they would be surprised with our dresses. I bought a creamy pink, strapless dress that has a black ribbon around the waist. I bought black heels that have that roman sandal look to them. I bought black so that they could match they belt. I bought a mix of silver, peach and black jewellery, too. Kate bought the most elegant dress I have ever seen. It's a white gown that flows down to her heels and has a split seam. It goes further down at the back. It has a strap going around her neck. The dress fits perfectly with her blonde hair. Victoria got a purple one that shows her slim, tanned hockey legs. It has one strap and lose flaps coming down from that. Hayley bought a floral dress that has a black belt. It's got green, red and yellow flowers on a cream base. Megan got a silk halterneck. It's gradient, from dark purple up to emerald green. 

Tomorrow they're coming over to my place at 2:00 so we can get ready. We need to do our hair, make-up, nails and talk. I think I might have mine half up and in a bun, then the left over will be curled. 

The doctors have given me some medication that I'll need to take tomorrow so that I don't get worse. I can just go to the bathroom. 

Anyways. I'm Tired

Alyssa xx

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