Friday - 14th June

81 3 1
  • Dedicated to The National Breast Cancer Foundation, AUS

Dear Diary,

 Today was life shattering. I don't know the point anymore. We spoke to at least ten different specialists today and I spent majority of the day in tears. The truth is always too much to handle. But like Edward Abbey says "Better a cruel truth than a comfortable delusion". 

The doctors spoke to me about how my disease works and how it will affect my health. They spoke to me about my last months and how I should take medication everyday so that it's not shortened any more. They told me I can go out of the hospital two to three times a week. I'm going to go out with a couple of friends tomorrow. Zac will be there. I'm going to tell them then. Despite all the terrible things that have happened today I''m feeling happy. My family have been nice to me and my friends have rung to see where I am. I haven't told them about the cancer but I simply said 'I'm sick", which is true, I'm just sicker than most people. 

Leukemia is a cancer of the tissues that produce blood cells, resulting in abnormal blood cells.  Leukemia appears to be related to the damage of genes. The damage disrupts the process by which blood cells achieve their final and functional form. Leukemia is the most common cancer in children also causing more deaths. 

Some of the known and suspected causes are:

~Both pre-natal and post-natal exposure to ionizing radiation (particularly X rays) can cause leukemia in children.  

~Several studies link pesticide exposure by both parents and children to leukemia. Children with parents working at a job with these chemicals can also have exposure.

~Leukemia can also be increased with  exposure to electric and magnetic Fields.

~A parents exposure to pesticides, paints, solvents an involvement with motor vehicle-related occupations can also give kids a greater risk of  leukemia. 

 The doctors are confused as to how I got it because I don't seem to have any of these categories relate to me. I also spoke to my new specialists. They said that I should let my friends visit the hospital so that they can see my new home. The kids cancer area have heaps of amazing things. They have an aquarium, a theatre, various kids-clubs, a gym, a sports club, it has so much that I count to that number - well if I tried I probably could. 

I'm looking forwards to seeing my friends tomorrow. We're going shopping then I'll bring them back here so that they can see this place. 

That's all for now

Alyssa xx

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