Sunday - 16th June

69 3 4
  • Dedicated to The Cancer Council AUS

Dear Diary,

Firstly, it isn't technically Sunday - It's, like, 12:30 am Monday. Next thing, as you know, tonight was the night of the dance and may I just say, it was not good. 

The afternoon started off as a blast. All the chics came over and we were like druggies on a full moon, yep, that insane. The boys were getting here at six so we started to get ready about four. I did my hair like I said I would yesterday: Half up in a bun, with the rest curled. I wore my newly bought dress, shoes and jewellery. I brought out all of my make-up and let the others work their magic. 

When the boys finally arrived we had an hour to catch up on the events of the day before the limo arrived. I had to have my medication at 6:30, 6:35 and 6:40. So every five minutes I was quickly going out to the bathroom. The others were a little concerned as to why I kept going and I did stumble a bit to answer their question but I just told them it was from the other day when I had the flu. It seemed to go down pretty well.

A little later the limo arrived and they were all wondering where I found the money to pay for such a thing. I told them it was no big deal and that they should all just sit back and enjoy the drive. 

 I told them they would all be coming back to my place tomorrow and that if they didn't they would miss out on some very important news. 

We finally got to the hall and as we came in, just about everyone stared at the limo. As I walked in with Zac people were asking me how I was feeling and I kindly replied that I was feeling much better. I went off to get drinks with Hayley for a while and then met up with Megan, Vikki and Kate. The guys were off as D-J’s so we just talked. 

We talked about the dresses that girls were wearing and how some boys needed were batting WAY out of their league. Some of the guys that came with no date came and asked us to dance. We kindly accepted. 

When the boys finished their jobs as D-J's they came and whisked us away from our partners. Well... Nearly all. 

Zac didn't come. I asked Kyle where he was and he said that he was finishing off some other business. And then I saw the greatness miracle I've ever seen. Megan and Alex were dancing together, and then they kissed. Not just a friendly kiss, an "I'm-in-love-with-you" kiss. My jaw nearly dropped off my face. I tapped everyone on the shoulder and we all stared in awe. Guess what they confessed to next, apparently they've been going out for a month and they didn't want to tell anyone because it would be like our group was made because everyone was going out with each other. We all shook our heads at them. 

After an hour of disco rocking music the music started to slow down to a more "romantic" speed. Yet Zac still hadn't come back. I told the others that I was going to go off and look for him. 

I looked everywhere and when I was just about to give up I saw him and I really shouldn’t have gone. There he was making out with Casey. Not only had Casey just broke up with her boyfriend but he could've at least told me it was over. Except it didn't feel like any other break-up. I know this isn't a break-up but it felt different. I didn't feel angry or upset. I felt free and somehow alive, granted that's not going to last long but may as well be alive before you die. After I had seen enough, which was basically straight away, I went back to the others and told them that he was still doing jobs.

About ten minutes later Zac came back to us. We all asked how his jobs were and I asked him if he wanted to come for a walk with me.

I took him outside and asked him "So have you heard anything from Christian about the break-up with Casey. You know it must've been hard for him?". Zac then sincerely replied, "No, but I think he's ok with it because he was here tonight and he seemed to be having a good time”.

"A lot of people can look as though they're having a good time when they're actually dying inside". I pointed out silently referring to myself because of his little 'catch-up' with Casey. "What about Casey?", I then asked, "I know she really liked Christian". Zac looked at me and shook his head, "I don't know". That was the answer I was hoping for so I could snap. 

"MAYBE BECAUSE YOU WERE TO BUSY STICKING YOUR TONGUE DOWN HER THROAT". I said just before I left. "Oh, and you can find your own way home, my limo doesn't cater for dicks".

So I left him there, diary. I didn't turn around to give him one last kiss, I left him standing there like a stunned mullet. 

When I got back to the others they were all wondering where Zac was. I told them that he had to do some more errands and he probably wouldn't be back. As another round of slow romantic songs came on, I watched the others dance with their arms locked around one another. I was studying my last dance when I heard a guy say hey behind me. It was Max. I said hi back because I didn't want to be rude. He asked where my man candy was and I told him that we broke up. He then asked when. "The other week", I replied. He nodded and asked me if I was feeling better, I told him I was. "Well, would you like to dance?". He asked me and I told him I'd love to. He spun me away and I placed my head on his chest. He spoke pure kindness to me and I felt at home. 

He twirled me around and we were laughing so hard I almost peed. Almost. He pulled me in and out and on one round of ins and outs, he kissed me. I kissed him back. We must've been kissing for a while because when we stopped staring into each other’s eyes the whole gang was staring at us. They didn't know about Zac yet. Disco songs came back on and Vikki took me away and full on 'POWWED' it in my face. She was going on about how Zac would feel and I was kind of forced to spill the beans. I told her how I spotted Zac with Casey and the conversation we had outside. She swore not to tell anybody.

When we got back the whole gang was eyeballing me to tell, so I told them the same story I told Max. I went over to Max and asked him if he wanted to come get drinks with me. At the drink bar we kissed a little more. Then he asked me out. Look diary, I know what you're thinking, two men one day. but I really like Max. So I said yes. I asked him if he needed a lift home and if he would like to come on a trip with me and the others tomorrow. He kindly accepted both and I felt a cage of doves go off in my chest. 

Once we were back with the others I excused myself for a moment and I went over to the D-J desk where Zac was. I explained how I hooked up with Max and I also told him that he was no longer invited tomorrow and he would have to find out my news through the others. 

The limo picked us up at about twelve and we were hyped up all night because of it. Tomorrow will be the day I finally tell them.

Anyways. I'm tired.

Alyssa xx

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