Wednesday - 3rd July

16 2 3
  • Dedicated to Cure Brain Cancer

Dear Diary,

We finished the slumber party today. I had the time of my life. 

Last night when I had said I was going to do some themed make-up on the gals, I did. Alice-in-Wonderland, the 20's and Comic makeup. You should look them up if you don't know how they look; they are the coolest things you could look at. EVER.

I made Kate the Queen of Hearts. We had to use a white, liquid foundation inside the heart around her face. Which, we drew on in red eye liner. We made the eye shadow go up to her eyebrows, just like the real 'Queen of Hearts' has it. Obviously, her lips were a heart and we also did her nails red. She actually has the best nails, ever. They are really long and they are curved, ughh. It makes me jealous. 

Megan was this 1920's entertainer. I loved doing this SO much. I made her eye shadow black and it had to go on the underside of the lid as well. As it went outer and towards the ears, it gradually got greyer. We made her lips a maroon red. It showed of her perfect teeth, she got her braces off three months ago. I painted her nails black, with some gold strips, usually in different forms of 'T's

Hayley, well, I made her a Comic icon. We had to dot her face and outline her, majorly. Her nose, her eyes, her hairline, everything. Fake eyelashes were in order. Her lips were hot pink. I made nails with 'Bam's and 'Pow's. The symbols.

Victoria isn't usually into this kind of stuff, so I made her the White Queen, from Alice-in-Wonderland. She looked amazing. She is the prettiest person outside, but when we did this, she went from and 9.5/10 to a 200/10 she looked so amazing. Her nails were a pearl colour with glitter flowing down them.

I was pretty proud of my achievements during this two hour session. By the end of that it was 12, so we called the guys up from their Mario Kart endeavours. This is where it gets awkward.

We couldn't decide what to do so, unluckily, people left it up to Chance to pick a game. Jokingly, he suggested Strip Poker. We girls laughed along with Chance, because it was a joke. Whereas, the other guys, thought he was serious and started cheering. 

There was a lot of yelling and stuff because; we didn't want to play strip poker. My word! In the end the guys got their way. Unfortunately. But, we laid down some ground rules. NO further than the bra or undies line. NO WAY WAS I GOING THERE.

It was actually really fun. I mean, who knew? We didn't stop until everyone had reached the end and we were all at the bottom level. 

We couldn't stop there could we? Chance had to speak again. Spin-The-Bottle. Could it get any more awkward? 

It started with a smooch on the cheek.

It led to a peck on the lips.

That led to a kiss.

That finally led to make-out. 

Bear in mind, we were still in our bras and undies. Everyone had to have kissed everyone. So bloody funny, but so awkward.

I think we finally went to bed at like 5:30, maybe even later. '

Today, we really didn't do that much our parents picked us up at noon and we only got up ten. In those two hours we ate. Ate. And Ate again. 

Today I had to tell my parents what continent. It was so hard to decide. Asia. Europe. Asia. Europe. I chose Europe. 

Here are the countries I am interested in visiting: Russia, France, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Vatican City, Germany, Iceland and Portugal.

SO excited to go. Oh My God. Mum and dad are going to see consultants tomorrow about the trip. Whilst I have a day of treatment and specialists appointments.  

I had this crazy thought today. So I told you yesterday I am interested in all different types of art, well, what if I made my own coffin.

Think about it, it would be a great way to accept that I am dying, and I could make it the way I want, not how a catalogue specifies it. There's this technique where you print stuff onto wax paper and then iron it onto wood. Might do that. Dunno.

Well, that's all for now.

I had a late night/morning, I'm gonna get some sleep. 

Alyssa xx

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