39. Climb to the Fire

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Peter grabs his crutch and limps as quickly as his exhausted and broken body will allow. He screams at the top of his lungs for anyone in the helicopter to hear.

He tries to climb the plateau, breathing heavily and dripping sweat before he even gets past the base of it. As Peter slowly gets closer and closer to the top, he trips and falls helplessly to the ground, still crying out desperately for help.

He's too weak to get up.

Peter sobs furiously and punches the ground in a fit of madness.

I'm so close.

The helicopter gets closer.

It's landing on the plateau.

Someone dismounts it, calling, "Hello? Is anyone there?"

Peter hears it faintly from afar and shouts through his tears to the woman who asked, "I'm over here! Help me please! Over here!"

At first he doesn't think anyone can hear him. He almost gives up, but he forces himself to keep shouting.

He hears someone approaching.

The last thing Peter sees in those woods is the silhouette of a woman standing above him.

Please proceed to the next part: Wake Up (44).

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