18. Stay Put

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Peter sighs. Then, he goes fishing again. He eats his fish and drinks his water. It's like this for several days. He's so very bored. He draws figures in the sand. He makes smoke signals using his shirt and some sticks. He's played tic-tac-toe so many times that he's figured out how to win every game. Never play tic-tac-toe against Peter. It's frustrating.

A few days later, when he is fishing waist-deep in the pool, he sees something large. It sees him. It's a crocodile. It disappears under the water. Peter starts to panic. He tries to back away slowly, but the crocodile resurfaces and attacks, lunging at Peter with its jaws open.

Does Peter Try to Keep Its Mouth Open by Pushing Its Jaws Apart Thus Preventing Them from Closing (19), Play Dead (20), Fight Back in Another Way (21), or Run, Run, Run (22)?

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