Chapter 4

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I found them fast asleep in her bed when I finally came inside. Pete and Meagan stayed after everyone else had left to help clean up, but they went home after everything was picked up. I smiled and took out my phone, taking a picture of Brendon and Rilynn fast asleep. Then I closed the door and went to my bedroom. I got on Twitter and made Rilynn an account. I did the same for Instagram. I posted the picture on both.

rilynnurie First night at my new home 💕 @sarahurie @brendonurie

Twitter has the same caption. Then I posted the picture on my accounts.

sarahurie Everyone meet Rilynn 💕 I think she's gonna like it here @brendonurie @rilynnurie 

My Instagram notifications blew up with comments. Twitter buzzed with tweets. Most people, who had seen our periscopes, were surprised to find out this was the surprise we'd been talking about.

The next morning, I got up and checked on the two. They were still asleep. I closed the door quietly and went downstairs to start breakfast. As I was making breakfast, I felt someone's head on my shoulder and looked over to see Brendon.

"Is she still asleep?" I asked, kissing him from the side.

"Yeah," he replied. "Smells good."

"Go wake her up so she can eat," I laughed. He walked upstairs and came back carrying Rilynn. She was awake, but she had her head resting on Brendon's shoulder.

"Morning, sleepyhead," I whispered, kissing her forehead as Brendon set her down in a chair. I placed a plate of food in front of her and took one for myself.

"Morning," she yawned. 

"What do you want to do today, kiddo?" Brendon asked. Rilynn shrugged.

"Oh, we have something for you!" I said as I remembered her welcome home present. I walked into the living room and grabbed the bag off the coffee table. Then I walked back to the kitchen and gave her the bag before sitting down next to her. She took out all the tissue paper and looked up at us before looking inside. She pulled out two little boxes and looked back at us.


I looked inside the bag that Sarah had handed me and pulled out two, small, white boxes. I opened the first to find a silver chained necklace with a heart on it, which held the name 'Rilynn Urie'. I looked up, almost crying. Sarah took the necklace and put its delicate chain around my neck and fastened the small clasp.

"Open the next one," Brendon encouraged, smiling.

The next box contained an IPhone, already set up except for a password. Twitter and Instagram were already on it and set up. I saw that I already had several followers on each, and one post. The post was of me and Brendon sleeping last night, with the caption "First night at my new home", with Sarah and Brendon tagged after it. I smiled at Brendon and Sarah and hugged Sarah. This was my family.


Rilynn was so happy with her new gifts. We loved her, and she deserved the best that we could offer her. I was watching her and Sarah set up Snapchat and Tumblr on her phone when my phone buzzed. I looked at it to see a message from Pete. It buzzed again, this time with a message from Dallon.

Pete: How's Little Urie? She seemed pretty shaken up last night.

Brendon: She's doing better now. I don't think she'll ever be completely over it, but she'll be okay. Thanks for asking :) And thanks a lot for helping Sarah out last night.

Pete: No problem, man. Just glad she's okay now :)

Dallon: Hey, Bren, I'm sorry about last night. I was pretty wasted. Hope Baby Urie's okay now.

Brendon: She's fine now. We got her warmed up and dried off last night. Watched some movies to calm her down. I guess it's my fault for letting everyone drink their hearts away at the party.

Dallon: Don't blame yourself, man. It wasn't your fault. At least she's okay now.

Brendon: Yeah. At least she's okay.

I set my phone down and joined my family. I knew Dallon was right, but I couldn't help partially blaming myself. I should have known people would get wasted. I should have known something bad would happen. I pushed that thought from my mind as I watched my wife and daughter laugh and smile. I couldn't be luckier with such amazing girls in my life.


That afternoon, Sarah went to have lunch with her friends Linda and Meagan. She offered to take me with her, but I declined. I kind of wanted to spend the day with Brendon, just to see what his day consisted of. He practiced in the studio beside the pool for awhile, and I watched him. He sang and played guitar. After awhile, we went inside and he did a Periscope with his fans. I sat and listened, and when he motioned for me to step in, I was hesitant. Eventually I caved and stood next to him.

"In case you haven't seen Sarah's latest post, this is Rilynn," he said. "Sarah and I adopted her, and the adoption was finalized yesterday morning. Go follow her on Instagram and Twitter @rilynnurie. Her snapchat is rilynnurie05." The live comments blew up with questions. "Looks like you've got a couple questions, Ri," Brendon laughed.

"What's your favorite color?" I read outloud. "Uh, probably blue or black." We spent most of the rest of the time answering questions and replying to some of the fans. None of the questions were very deep. They were mostly just generic questions about things I liked and what I thought of some things. When Sarah got back, Brendon apologized to the fans and ended the live. Sarah set her purse on the table by the door and walked over to us, kissing Brendon on the cheek and hugging me.

"How was your first meeting with the fans, Rilynn?" Sarah laughed.

"They were great," I answered. "Very considerate. No one we saw comment asked any questions about my foster home or anything. They did want to know almost everything else, though."

"Pro tip, don't be alarmed to see posts about you all over Instagram and such," Sarah smiled. "The fans are dedicated. They will take in every little detail you say, so be careful. The fan theories definitely get interesting." Sarah laughed and I nodded, smiling. 

We spent the rest of the day doing whatever we felt like doing. We had pizza for dinner and watched movies in the living room. I sat on the couch between Brendon and Sarah. When I fell asleep, I rested my head on Brendon. I knew I was going to enjoy being with my new family, even if I didn't yet call them my parents. Brendon and Sarah saved me when I thought no one could. I was so lucky to have them. I wished I could show them how much I appreciated them.

Broken Promises {Brendon Urie}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora