C2: Tell Me My Past Has Returned.

Start from the beginning

"You're the dumbest person ever," I immediately recognized the voice coming behind me as Eric's. I then turned around to see that I was correct and he was standing over me with a not so pleasant facial expression.

"I highly doubt that," I try to smile my way out of the conflict that was about to happen but he wasn't buying it.

Dropping down so he was sitting beside me Eric groaned in annoyance. "Why are you making things difficult?"

"Who told you?" I asked. "I bet it was L.J she already said she'd help you hunt me down if she needed to,"

Eric stared blankly at me and shook his head. "Doesn't matter who told the only thing that does matter is this little game you're playing won't help anything,"

I shrugged. "It's worth a shot don't you think?"

"No," he stated. "The thing is nothing is going to prepare us for separation D. Why do you think I spent all summer with you? We need all the time we can get,"

"Separation sounds like break up," I sighed in defeat laying my head on his shoulder looking out into the crowd of students waiting to get their schedules.

The all too familiar sensation of pain rang throughout my forehead once Eric thumped me not wanting to hear my bullshit.

"Break up sounds like break up, cases of separation, on the other hand, can be temporary, like ours," Eric added on smiling when I started rubbing my forehead.

Wrapping my arm with his I frowned even though he couldn't see me. Maybe I was the only one freaking out about leaving. Everyone else seemed so calm and I envied it. All I could think about was Eric finding someone new and realizing he didn't love me anymore.

"The L's are starting to get lower I should go get in line before they skip me completely," Eric said knocking me from my daymare. He lifted my chin and placed a sweet-savory kiss to my lips. That brief moment where we parted and looked into each other's eyes I swear I could have fallen in love a thousand times over.

As he got up to leave I looked back at the rest of our friends only to catch Shawn staring over at me. I did the only rational thing and waved skeptically... did he just watch Eric and I kiss?

Shaking the thought from my mind I decided to join the group anyway. There was no reason to stay away anymore and I needed to find out which of the girls in my life snitched.

"Wheeler!" Logan greeted holding his hand up for a high five which I gave him. He had gone back to calling me by my last name when he made the declaration that Darren wasn't cool enough.

"Nice to see you too," I say plopping a seat right in between L.J and Avery. I then placed a hand on each of their thighs and squeezed tightly.

"Which one of you tricked?" I said looking between them.

"What the fuck Darren let me go," Avery snapped pinching at my fingers while L.J was ready to punch me right where the sun doesn't shine. It made me retreat almost immediately because I couldn't afford to waltz around school for half an hour with people wondering why I was walking like a penguin.

"It was me by the way," L.J said quickly before returning all her attention back to Avery. And by the looks of it, everyone's eyes were on Avery. Was she spilling tea without me?

"Like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted," Avery jabbed at me. "Jared is back and he's excited to see everyone! My parents invited you all to dinner tonight so it'll be fun to catch up,"

"And by you all I mean Darren, L.J, their parents, and Logan, sorry Shawn," She pouted her lip out and squeezed him comfortingly on the shoulder.

Avery's parents didn't know about the break-up and from my point of view, it was like she was never going to tell them either. She'd rather fake it than feel the wrath of her parents learning she only dated him for a few months when she begged them to let her date him in the first place.

"Jared as in your brother Jared? The one who decided to live with your aunt two years ago?" I said uneasily shifting in my seat hoping no one noticed how jumpy I had gotten.

"Who else?" Avery looked at me like I was stupid.

My heart began to do that panicky fast-paced beating thing and I didn't know what to do. Jared couldn't be back. Definitely not at a time like this... when everything in my life is going well. I didn't need him around messing things up.

I gulped not really listening to the conversation they had continued.

Suddenly the only thing on my mind was finding a way for Eric to leave for college and not hate me. While I'm at it, Avery and L.J too.

The secrets I had buried with Jared were deep enough to sink my entire life. If he started talking I would never recover. Thinking of all the lies that came with him made my head start to hurt. I guess tonight at dinner would be the perfect opportunity to make sure he stays silent.

He had to stay silent, he owes me at least that.


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