whats mine

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after we finished showering we dried off i was gonna choose ny panties when ulquiorra chose a flower one and matching bra i giggled but then i remembered thats what grimmjow did when i was going to orihime's  they were the exact same panties and bra . " whats wrong?" ulquiorra says ''uh nothing " suddenly my stomach growls " ulqu im hungry " he kisses me deeply " that should fill you up untill breakfast " noo im still hungry" he puched me to a wall and started making out he lifts me and i wrap my legs around his waist when i get back to the ground i notice his pants was lifted by his ..... " ulquiorra i just turn you on real good "i smirk " you have noo idea " he says i push him to the bed and i get on top of him . now my special place is close to his but dont worry i'm wearing underwear and he's wearing his pants . we start kissing and i sit on his .... he wraps one arm around me the other very close to my butt the door opened again " yoo ulquiorra can i borro.....wow " grimmjow says i look to see him and he blushes " what do you need to borrow ?" i ask " ulquiorra i need condom " i look at him "ulquiorra give him a condom so he can g...... " my eyes widened i got to him " grimmjow do u need it for nel " he looks away and nods " ughh fine " i go and lean to find the condoms . ulquiorra hides them under the night stand suddenly i feel a tshirt cover my butt " grimmjow doesnt need to see whats mine" i smile at ulquiorra and i hand the condom to grimmjow he walks out when i hold his hand " please be gentel to nel. not her first but it can still hurt " he nods and walks out

later that day

i was walking in the hall when i see nel . i run to her " hey nel" she looks at me " hey . grimmjow told me to give you this " she says handing me the condom " why. didnt you do it" she says no a sad expression on her face " he said he can't do it " . i look at her and smile " you keep it . he can change his mind . keep it just in case " she smiles and nods. i go to the cafiteria and get myself some food. ulquiorra was on a mission so he wouldnt come until 3 days had past. i look around i find grimmjow sitting alone . i stand next to him " can i sit with you ?" he nods i lay my plates down and sit . " uhh... so i heard about you and nel. why did you hold back?" he  widened his eyes then grinned " didnt want to , im bored with her " he says i sigh " well i told her to keep it just incase. so dont barge on me and ulquiorra when you need one " his eyes glow " right... like this morning. that was sexy .... especially when you were looking for a condom " i blushed " well my sexiness only shows when im with ulquiorra " i say to him and he grins " is that so .. then why are you soo sexy right now " i smirk " i dont have a turn off button " he grins " so you're always turned on "

" at least not with people like you " " oh you meany hot and sexy "

" i mean annoying and ugly " i finish eating and put my plates in the sinc and walk out .

grimmjow pov

once again she says something that breaks my heart and leaves with out giving me a glance.

grimmjow and alice (love story)Where stories live. Discover now