my new life

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my new life

after aizen's death me and ulquiorra moved in to the living world and we became friends with everyone there even ichigo and rukia.

we (ulquiorra and i )worked for the soul society after kisuke transformed us into substitute soul reapers .At first we hesitated when killing hollows but after sometime we got used to it .

when we first moved in the human world, me and ulquiorra lived together but after he started dating orihime he moved in with her and i started living on my own. the living world was intresting blue skies with shining sun,coffees and restaurants everywhere and lots lots of chicks .

some of them were hot some were bitches some were weird and some were nice but i really didnt care and i wasnt intrested in them .

i also wasn't sure i would ever love a girl that easily and i dont really like to date them cause i dont want to make the wrong desision and end lots of hearts . but girls just want me so badly some for my bleue eyes and spiky hair some like my abs and mussels .

But rejection is all i have for them cause i ,grimmjow jeagerjaques, will find the girl i would love and make her mine

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