Chapter Ten

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He says nothing. I turn my back and reach to open the car.  But before I am able to open the door, a cold hand grasps my arm and spun me around in haste. Everything seems to happen so fast and before I can protest, Kyle crashes his mouth onto mine, devouring me with passion and desire.

My body is detached from my brain as my lips start to move with his. As he deepens the kiss, I lose all control and right at the moment, I finally admit to myself that I've fallen for him once again.

The heavy rain starts pouring and I know it will not stop anytime soon.


Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday.

I’ve never understood that quote I found inside the fortune cookie, not until now. Now I am reminded of the things I worried about yesterday. Yesterday is when I made it through the storm, when I was able to pick up the shattered pieces of my life once again. That time I finally caught victory, but the worries that shrouded my mind never left.

Are my wounds really mended?

Am I really over him?

What if we meet again?

Can I forgive him?

Will I still love him?

And now, here I am running over those questions once more.

The heat intensifies as Kyle deepens the kiss even more; eagerly quenching the thirst he seems to have endured for so long. Our wet lips synchronize as lust joins in the wrath of bursting emotions. The taste of his tongue sets my body on fire, no heavy rain nor strong wind can ever extinguish.

One by one, the walls I’ve built over the years are starting to fall down. The fortress that protects me is being torn apart, but with no rational reason, I am doing nothing.

Am I really letting him in?

Do I really want this?

While my body savors the moment, my mind begins to wander through the memory lane. I remember the very first time I saw him, the first time he looked at me, the first time I felt his touch, the first time we kissed, the first time he said I love you, and the first time I thought I couldn't live without him.

Our love was difficult but it was so strong. I knew we were meant to be together, we could never be apart; but then, he left. I woke up one morning to find out that he was gone. The passing days were difficult. I didn’t know where to begin, I was lost and my eyes never ran out of tears.

No, no. I don’t want to go back in there anymore. I will not survive another heartbreak.

I snap out of reality.

My mind syncs with my body and I pull myself out of the kiss. It is like tearing your soul from your body, like draining out oxygen from your lungs.

We stare at each other, both of us panting heavily. At first, I thought it’s the rain dripping across my face, but then I realize that they’re my tears.

“Dale, I--" Kyle speaks out, sadness immediately covering his face as if he knows what will happen next.

I move back, away from him.

“This is a mistake. What were you doing? What are we doing?" I say, looking away.

I turn around and reach to open my car. I glance at Kyle, his expression is unreadable.

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