Chapter Three

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(Flashback continued...)




My initial instinct was to run for the door but when I reached it, my conscience triggered. I couldn't just leave the man, if he'd die, I wouldn't be able to sleep for the rest of my life. I, then, hoping some fairy would grant me wishes after being so kind-hearted, went back and trembled at the sight of a man lying on the cold tiled floor.

I put down the toiletries beside the sink and slowly bent over to look for signs of blood or wound or anything that could make him extinct but saw none. His face, however, was red and his brown hair was soaked in either sweat or water. I stepped closer and poked him on the leg using my foot. He didn't move but I knew he wasn't dead because his hard chest was moving as he breathed.

His haaaard... hard chest. Gosh, I'm drooling. I mentally slapped myself as I thought of that.

I moved to the other side of his body and noticed some tattoos on his upper arm, hard and muscular arm. Everything looked hard. I fought the urge to examine if that one part of his body was also hard.

Ugh! Hormones.

I couldn't believe I was actually ogling at the guy. Contrasting the hard features, his face was so peaceful, like any normal human sleeping on his bed, with a partly opened mouth.

I didn't know what else to do. I needed to wake him up before I could lose control and jump at him. Ha! Where do these perverted thoughts come from? I tiptoed making sure not to step on him and reached to turn the shower on.

I stepped back as it drizzled over his face.

If this guy moves, I'm outta here.

I kept looking to and from the man then to the door and back, estimating the distance. I was preparing to run for my life. Seconds later, there's my cue.

"What the hell?!!" The peaceful, innocent image distorted and the guy rose up from the grave like a zombie. But my original plan to run away didn't succeed; I was stunned. I couldn't even move one step.

His angry eyes found me and I knew I only had a few seconds to live. I tried to voice out something but my tongue was in a knot. All I could see was his- amazing eyes. They were in shades of blue and gray. I drowned in the most beautiful colors I'd ever seen.

"Hey! What are you looking at, bitch?!" He snapped at me and my soul returned to my physical body. Did he just call me a bitch?

"Watch your mouth mister!" I shouted back as I clenched my teeth in anger. He didn't even know me and he's calling me names.

He reached to turn off the shower and wiped his face with his hands. He stroked the strands of hair covering his forehead and I mentally slapped my face for having an idea of how hot he was.

"What are you doing here?" He asked stupidly while checking out his pants then his pockets as if I had stolen anything from him.

"What are you doing here?" I repeated his question changing its intonation unintentionally.

"Are you a mocking bird? Or some kind of parrot?" He finally stood up and I could lick the water dripping from his hard chest. Oh. Is this some kind of evil spell? I shook the dirty thoughts from my head and tried to look unintimidated by the naked hot guy in front of me.

"Why are you answering my question with a question?" I yelled.

I stepped back as he moved closer to me. He was bigger and scary, not scary like a flesh-eating monster but scary like a scary-naked-hot-guy. Whatever.

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