Chapter 49

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I looked over at a sleeping Johnny. I slipped out from under his grasp, standing up. He stirs a little, turning over in the seat. I smile down at him. I turn around to leave when Dally stands in my way. He's still wobbling lie he's drunk but there's a sad look in his eyes.

" I'm so sorry Quinn.... I ruin everything I touch and I just don't deserve you... I don't deserve any of you..." he says. He's not quite apologetic, but kind if monotone and distant. I recognize the look in his eyes.

" Dal don't say that..." I say. He shakes his head, fisting his hair in his hands and running outside. I dash after him, afraid that in his drunken state he would do something stupid.

"Dally stop!" I shout. Why did this have to happen now? I think as he turns the corner to the park. I run faster, catching up to him. To my surprise, he stops running. He leans against a tree, hitting his head against it a few times. I put my hand over his head to stop him from hurting himself. He just collapses against the tree, sliding down it. This is the first time I've seen him cry. I've seen him like this, he just never cried. I sat down beside him, putting his head on my shoulder and resting my head on top of his. I whispered soothing things to him. He may have hurt me a few times, but I have to help him when he's like this. We stay like that for a few minutes, then I see two familiar figures laughing and walking. I recognize Tara and Ponyboy. Tara wasn't supposed to be here, let alone walking but I didn't say anything. She was happy.

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