Chapter 11

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I saw Tara pass out in the field. I rushed faster and turned her face to look at the wound. I bit my lip to hold back tears.

I slipped one arm under her legs, while the other supported her back. My house wasn't far from here. I started walking while carrying her.

Johnny went back to Ponyboy's house after he made sure I was okay. He was so sweet. I shared a house with my brother. We didn't speak at all, and he didn't care what I did or where I was.

It was pretty small, so it wasn't something to show off. But Tara was bleeding so that really didn't matter to me. I closed the front door with my foot and set her on the couch with a grunt.

She wasn't heavy, but carrying her for a few blocks is a pain. I have to admit, I'm pretty strong for a girl.

I take off my heels and run into the kitchen for a cloth. I get one and run it under cold water. I fold it and wipe her head until the blood is cleaned off.

It wasn't bleeding anymore. I got some bandages and carefully wrapped them around her head. She stirred a little and her eyes opened slightly.

She made a whimpering sound and looked at me. I saw shock in her eyes. I smiled gently at her. I got up to go to the kitchen.

I pulled out some leftover soup and heated it up in a pot. When it was just right I served some up for her.

She tried to eat it herself but her hands were shaking too much. I took the soup and spoon from her hands and fed it to her. It was a little weird, but it was the least I could do.

I didn't give her too much though. I set the bowl down on the table in front of me. She tries to sit up but I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Just sleep here tonight, okay?"

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