Chapter 10

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Oh I feel awful. I'm a sick person. So many thoughts rushed through my mind as I ran to the field behind the parking lot. My eyes were puffy and red and the gash above my eyebrow was bleeding more than before.

I sat in the long grass, my head in my knees. I had really messed things up this time. No going back. Soda would never forgive me, and Quinn. Well hell, she probably wants me dead.

I sobbed uncontrollably into my knees, blood pouring everywhere from my forehead. I jumped a bit when I felt a hand touch my shoulder sympathetically. It was Pony, his eyes still red from cryin. He took a seat next to me and for a second silence filled the whole entire field.

"I'm not mad at you, ya know" He looked straight at me, his voice steady.

"You should be" I looked off into the night. I felt utterly terrible. Pony didn't reply. He just looked at me, wide eyes.

"Please help me out Pony. I need Soda to forgive me" I don't know why I said that. He didn't even know what happened back at the house. I looked at Pony and within a second his eyes went from sorry to cold as ice.

"That's your problem Tara. The only person you care about is yourself! I'm right here for you. I care about you. And you have the nerve to bring up Sodapop? You think it's us against you but you're the one who caused all this. You brought this upon yourself. And you're not the only one gettin hurt" His words shook me. Killed me. A bullet to the heart. And right after that he gathered himself together and walked right away from me.

Pony was gone now. He disappeared dead in the night. Soon he would be back home, safe and sound. Broken but safe. And here I was, middle of the field. My forehead and heart bleeding. Being jumped was nothing compared to this pain.

My breathing grew weak as I lost more blood. The air grew colder and I began to lose sight of the world. The last thing I saw before passing out was Quinn walkin towards me. It was all black now. No waking up.

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