It seems the clown had actually done something nice.

"Well... Thanks I guess..." You mumbled, shuffling to your bed. The sudden drowsiness caused you to faceplant on your pillow, being shrouded in darkness.


"Ugh... What happened...?" You held your head, glancing around the dark room. Did you pass out? Standing slowly, you let out a groan, "What time is it...?"

You froze, before holding your stomach. Something seemed off... Lifting your shirt, and removing the make-shift bandage, your eyes widened in shock. The wound was gone, only light scarring remained. You blinked, letting your shirt go, before looking around the room. You could feel his eyes on you.

"Why.. Did you heal me..?" The mumble was barely even audible to your ears.

Laughing Jack didn't respond.

"And... I didn't have any nightmares... Thank you.."

He was still silent. You frowned, before walking out of the room. It must have been late, since the sun was gone. You huffed to yourself, not feeling tired enough to go back to bed. Walking into the kitchen and making a hot chocolate, you leant against the bench, still holding your stomach.

A few days ago he was trying to kill you, and now he was healing you? You didn't have any nightmares while you slept either. Maybe it was the calm before the storm.. You pouted and held your cup tightly. The idea of being murdered still didn't sound nice, and you'd rather that not happen. But how could you prevent that?

You held your head, suddenly feeling dizzy. Reaching into the cupboard, you were surprised to find there was no candy left. Weren't the officers meant to bring you more supplies?

You let out a groan and started to search through your kitchen, realising that you didn't have much food left either.

"Those asshole..." You growled to yourself, falling back into a chair. The room had started to spin, you could feel yourself passing out.

Before something fell in front of you. Fighting the lack of sugar, you turned your gaze to the object, finding a perfectly wrapped lollipop. It was in your mouth in seconds, and soon enough, you were walking around and trying to figure out what you'd need the policemen to get for you.

-I wonder where the lollipop came from...- You thought to yourself, although you had a clear idea of who it could be. The subconscious feeling of being watched hadn't left you since you'd woken up. Laughing Jack must have given you the lollipop.

"Thanks again.. I guess..." You said out loud, not really expecting an answer anymore. And you were right, he didn't reply, "You know, if you're doing all this just to convince me you won't kill me, you're doing a pretty good job."

Still nothing. Although you didn't mind. If he even made an appearance you weren't sure if you'd burst into tears or try and attack him again. Grumbling, you went back to your activity, making a list of items you'd need from the shops. Once you were done, you sat in the living room, watching one of the boring shows that was on at 5 in the morning.

Suddenly, your phone started ringing. You jumped and glanced around the room. Who could be ringing you at this hour?

You stood and walked to the phone, answering it quietly.


"(Y/N)! Are you alright?!" You jumped as your mother's voice rang through the phone.

"Ow.. Mum please don't yell..." You sighed and rubbed your head, "Yes I'm alright. Why are you awake so early?"

"I could ask you the same thing." She stated, "I had a bad feeling, that you were in danger. Are you okay? Has anything bad happened?"

"No mum, I'm perfectly fine." You gave a weak smile, glad she couldn't see your face.

"If you insist... And how are you anyway? Is living in the big city all it's cracked up to be? I never hear from you anymore..."

"It's even better than I imagined, there is a wonderful candy story down the road and the man there is very nice."

"Oh that's good! Have you made any other friends?"

"Oh uh... N-Not exactly..." You gave a small laugh, "I mean I guess I have, besides George, I have a friend in the police department."

"Oh wonderful! He'll keep you safe then! Or... She.."

"Yeah, his name is Della. Officer Della."

"What a.. Strange name..."

"No stranger than yours." You shrugged.

"Oh hush. You know I had no choice, it's what my parents called me. And you are stuck with your name as well little miss. So I hope you like it."

"I do, don't worry. Besides, he had no control over his name either mum."

"Right right. So. Do you have any other friends I need to hear about?"

"Um..." You bit your lip, "Well I suppose I do... I think..."

"You think? Oh, is it another boy? Do you have a crush on him? What's his name? What does he do for a living? Is he nice?"

You had to stop yourself from bursting out with laughter, considering you were about to mention a certain stalker clown, these questions seemed very over the top.

"Well? Details (Y/N)!"

"Okay okay, his name is Jack. And I never said I liked him."

"Oh but you must, if you don't see him as a friend then what else could you see him as?"

You had to stop yourself from saying 'Stalking psycho murderer', suddenly very aware of the silvery eyes on you.

"An... Acquaintance..." You stated, not really sure what else to say.

"Oh... I see.. Well as long as he looks after you, it should be fine."

"Yes mum. And... I mean he sort of does. But I can look after myself too you know. I'm not a little girl."

"I know.. But with all this talk of a killer on the lose... And in your town!" You heard her sigh deeply, "I just want to make sure you're safe and out of harm's way."

-You have no idea...-

"Trust me mum. I am. Now I do need to eat and go shopping. Okay?"

"Okay okay, I'll talk to you later." Your mother blew a kiss into the phone, "I love you (Y/N), if you ever need to come home I'll be here."

"Okay, thanks mum.. Bye."

And you hung up. Sighing, you put the phone down and rubbed your face. You completely forgot, you had promised your mother you'd call her every two weeks. But you couldn't help being stalked and paranoid and sleep deprived for the past few months.

Still, you felt guilty that you had to cut your phone-call short, to save either the police or Laughing Jack from listening to your conversation. You didn't want your mother in this mess.

And you really did need to eat. You were starving. But realising that you also really did need to go shopping, well, you couldn't eat anything.

"Lousy officers..." You huffed, "They clearly want me to starve..."

A tapping sound filled your ears, and you turned around. To find a pile of candy, slowly growing. It was full of gumdrops, lollipops, hard candy, everything. You blinked, before picking up the pieces of candy and putting them away, happily chewing on a gumdrop.

-Laughing Jack must be fattening you up for his next kill-

You shrugged and dusted your hands. Oh well, at least you'll have enough sugar for a while. Smiling to yourself you turned around.

And screamed.

The tall clown stood hunched in your kitchen, smirking and giggling to himself. He reached a clawed hand towards you. You didn't hesitate to jump into action and grab a knife, running directly at him.

-Not today psycho...-

Laughing Jack X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now