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~Narrator's P.O.V~

It was a bright day, the sun was out, and only a few clouds littered the sky. The town was relatively busy, people were running up and down the streets, ducking into shops and having a coffee with friends. It was a normal day.

And a boring one all the same.

A young boy with sandy blonde hair was skipping through the crowd of people, giggling and humming the old nursery rhyme 'Pop Goes the Weasel'. He looked around him, before he heard his mother yell his name.

"Zackery! Come back here this instant!"

The boy stopped humming, a pout appearing on his face. He sighed and started walking back to his mother, pushing through the crowd.

The older woman frowned and grabbed onto his wrist tightly, "I told you not to run off. What if you got lost? Or someone took you? Stay by my side from now on."

"Ow.. That hurts.." He whines, lowering his head.

The mother frowned and knelt next to him, lifting his head lightly, "I just want you safe okay? Please don't run off again. You know that other kids have been going missing lately, I don't want you to disappear..."

He nodded abruptly and, satisfied, his mother let his wrist go, walking into a clothing store. The little boy let out a huff, following her. But before he could enter the building, he looked up at the sky. He was frozen for a moment, before he smiled and nodded, running off into the crowd.

And right past a beautiful girl, who's (h/l) (h/c) hair blew in the wind as she rushed through the crowd. Her (e/c) eyes scanned the area, before she frowned and pushed through more people.

"Ugh, where is it...?" She asked herself, before smiling, finding her destination.

She hurried over to the antique looking candy store, pushing open the heavy door and taking in the many sweet scents of the, well, sweets.

"Ah (Y/N), I was wondering when I'd next see you." An elderly man said from behind a dusty counter, "The usual I presume?"

(Y/N) smiled and nodded, "Yep! And I think I'll grab something extra, just to spice things up."

"Oh, something different hm?" He chuckled, grabbing a plastic take-away box and walking through his shop, dishing colourful candies and lollipops into the package.

"You know sir, a cardboard box would do much better than a plastic container, they break down a lot faster." The female smiled innocently, before looking through the assorted sweets.

"I told you to call me George, no need for 'sir', and I'm aware, however if the candies are in the box for too long, they soak the cardboard, it's their sugar I swear...." The old man sighed and scratched his head.

"That does make sense." (Y/N) smiled, before pointing to some black liquorice, "I heard these are tasty."

"If you like bitter and sour and just plain gross." George chuckled, "But that's just my opinion, I'll cut some up for you to take home and try for yourself."

"Thank you!" The girl smiled, "How much extra will that be?"

"Since it's black liquorice? It's on the house. I hardly ever sell it, so if you like it let me know."

"You're too kind George, really I should pay."

"You're a dear friend of mine, don't worry about it (Y/N), now have a lollipop, you're looking a little pale." He handed the girl a large pink and blue lollipop, which she took with a smile and stuck in her mouth.

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