C1: Tell Me Summer's Over.

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"We should do that more often," Eric said as he jiggled his pants up his thighs with a little smirk covering his lips.

"Nope, no, no way," I shook my head in disagreement taking my discarded shirt from Eric's bedroom floor and tossing it back on. "I came over to help you with scholarship applications and you've managed to get me into bed,"

Eric grabbed his shirt from off his bed railing pulling it over his head as he passed me my shorts.

Looking confused Eric began rubbing his chin as if he was thinking. "I'm pretty sure I only started kissing you, you were the one who went for my zipper, but what can I say? I don't blame you,"

I grinned lopsidedly getting into my shorts and tugging them on. "And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," He shrugged. "I just think you're a teeny tiny bit obsessed with all of this," He laughed flowing his hands up and down his body showing himself off to me.

Rolling my eyes I decided to let him have his little moment, but I couldn't help but laugh along with him. The way his after sex hair bounced around while he did his little shimmy was the cutest thing ever. Nothing made me happier than seeing Eric being able to be himself. No pressure from his dad or the outside world was all I wanted for him and he had it.

"Please stick to football because dancing is not for you," I teased standing up and checking out my appearance in Eric's wall mirror. It was one of the few things Eric added to his room, along with fairy lights. Fairy lights, I know right? Eric was literally the softest person ever, and I was the only one allowed to know it. He'd murder me if I told anyone how sweet he really was. That whole big romantic gesture from last year was the only thing anyone else was ever going to get.

Coming up behind me, Eric wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close. Putting his head in the crook of my neck he began placing sweet kisses up and down my collarbone. 

"Mhhm," I breathed lightly melting to his touch even moving my head over more to give him better access then I remembered once again what I came here for. I must have twirled myself away from him so fast I almost whisked myself into another time zone.

"Scholarship applications mister!" I eyed him while keeping our distance.

Eric groaned loudly and moved closer to me trying to grab my hands but I backed away further.

"Darren the first day of school is tomorrow, I don't need to start applications now," He said a tad bit annoyed at me. "Besides you forced me to apply for some over the summer anyway, plus I already have my football scholarship in the bag,"

"You're right," I nodded walking toward him pretending like I was going in for a kiss but in reality, I dodged him and headed for the door. Eric being the athletic guy he is was able to trap me in his arms within seconds and boy did he have a strong grip.

He says, "Where do you think you're going?" as he literally lifted me from the ground and brought me back into his room. Where was his dad? Or Henry? Why was no one around to witness my kidnapping?

"Let me go," I struggled to get free but Eric wasn't budging. Shutting the door closed with his foot Eric continued to grip lock me until he playfully slammed me onto his bed. He still hovered over me making sure I couldn't escape but at least I could breathe!

"Eric!" I whined kicking my legs in the air like a 3 year old having a tantrum. "You can't keep me here, it's illegal to hold someone against their will,"

"But," Eric started as he flopped down on top of me making me gasp loudly. "You can't leave I'll miss you,"

"Eric get off of me now," I said slightly irritated, he had hurt my stomach with the impact and I wanted him away from me.

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