"You really lucky Mrs Flemming, not many pregnant women fall and come out of it unaffected."

Mrs Flemming, nobody had ever called me by that since I got married to Alex, it felt strange and weird to hear it.

"Just call me Zana Doctor, and I didn't really fall from the stairs I just fainted at the base" I corrected.

"Well either ways you lucky, both health-wise and husband-wise. He hasn't left your side since he brought you in, talking to you and whatnot." He ranted on as he finished with his examination.

If only he knew the truth of the story he wouldn't consider me lucky. But I couldn't help but be a little pleased that Alex hadn't left my side. And all the coaxing voice I heard was him, well, well, what a way to show some heart, I thought to myself.

"When can I get out of here doctor, since you said I'm fine?" I questioned as I folded my hands on my stomach.

"Tomorrow hopefully" he replied scribbling away on a folder I presumed was mine.

Alex came back at that moment, and my eyes flew up to meet his. He smiled my way a brief moment before fully walking in.

"Ahhh Mr Flemming, good you are back. She will be discharged tomorrow. And I advise she stays off her feet for a couple of days, and no stress either physical or emotional." He threw at both of us turning his head back and forth between us.

"Which means no sex" he added with a smirk.

He left after that remark leaving an uncomfortable Alex and me alone. My eyes were looking anywhere but him. It wasn't as if I was getting some so why was I nervous and thinking about that silly remark.
I heard him clearing his throat before asking me if I was hungry and what I would like to eat.

"Is it even allowed to ask for what you want?"

"Anything for you Zana"

He uttered with a little smile, reminding me of a certain part of him he showed me sometime ago.

"Well I would like some pancakes, waffles, chocolate ice cream, oatmeal cookies and a glass of orange juice." I finished off.

This time around he smiled one of his dashing smiles my way.

"Lemme get the nurse for you so you can tell her cause I'm not sure I'm going to remember all that"

He disappeared to go fetch the nurse and come back with a pretty friendly one. She smiled at me whiles I told her all that I would like. She looked as if she wanted to oppose to what I wanted but one glare from Alex kept her mute. She assured me to be back later soon and left.

"Do you have to be mean to her"

"I wasn't mean to her, I barely even said a word her way" he replied as he went to sit on the sofa by the window.

I rolled my eyes at him and waited patiently for my food, I was so so hungry considering I had been out for three days. The friendly nurse returned shorty pushing a food trolley. My mouth watered as the smell of pancakes and waffles invaded my senses making my stomach growl, loudly.

"Mama is hungry too baby." I laughed as I patted my stomach.

The nurse made an attempt to serve me but was dismissed by Alex who seemed willing to do so. He drew the over bed table from the corner of the room to the bedside and busied himself transferring the food from the trolley to the table. I studied him as he moved about setting up the table. It took me fainting for him to return to being nice to me, I thought to myself.

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