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Charlie was right, my appointment was soon. Sooner than I thought. We were in the car on the way to the doctors.
Hope your appointment goes well.
Shawn messaged. Me, him and Charlie were meeting up tomorrow. Us three are going to the beach for the day. I was very excited.
Thanks Shawn. I hope so too. Charlie is staying with me so that's good!
Charlie then said "everything will be alright"
"You going to mention my hair?" I pointed at my messed up hair. My phone bleeped.
Well that's swell. Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!
Shawn was such a sweetheart.
I can't wait either!
"Yeah and your panic attack and other times you have vomited or passed out and everything" Charlie carried on. My heart sunk a little bit. I didn't want him to share everything! What if i was sent up to the hospital? Charlie grabbed hold of my hand and squeezed it softly and slowly. We walked into the doctors together. I felt a seizure coming on.
Not now please
I begged my body to wait until no one was around. Sometimes it just doesn't listen. Everything went white for a moment to black.
I woke up to sirens. I looked around. I was in an ambulance again. Charlie was sitting opposite Me with his head on his hands.
"Hello Alice, do you know where you are?" The paramedic said. Charlie's head shot up. He grinned at me.
"Ambulance" I replied. I felt like I had forgotten to speak.
"Can you move your arms?" I raised my hands slowly. I was trembling with fear. The paramedic nodded and wrote something in a clip board.
"Now your legs" at this moment I realised that i couldn't even feel nor move my legs! I started panicking in fear. Charlie watched in fear. Tears streamed down my face. If I couldn't move my legs then I couldn't go to the beach tomorrow nor could I be able to spend time with Charlie.
We arrived and I was rushed into the hospital. The paramedic told the doctor on what happened and they ran several scans. Once they had finished they left my bedside and Charlie came through.
"Charlie!"I stumbled. I was suffering through really big speaking problems. Charlie ran up to me and hugged my carefully. He clung on so tight,obviously trying to hold back tears. I held onto him. I had to be careful as I had many wires connected to me and I also had a tube attached to my face.
Charlie must of told them of what has been happening then.
"Charlie it's okay,"
"You scared me" he said, letting go from our hug.
"Sorry" I felt the guilt hang over me.
"Oh don't be. You couldn't help it. I just wished you told me"
"It just came all of a sudden"
"Is your speech ok?" I shrugged my shoulders.
I will be back" Charlie walked away. He left his notebook which he presumingly wrote to pass time on my desk. I couldn't help but to take a peek.
This belongs to: Charlie puth. All this is original and/or personal.
It was Charlie's journal! He kept his ideas and worries and how his day was inside. Charlie was walking back with a doctor so I hurriedly put it back on the desk beside me.
"I heard you are having speech problems" I nodded. I had to give in one way or another.
"We will need to run some tests. We will schedule a time and room as soon as we can to check it out" I nodded again.
"Thanks doc" Charlie said. The doctor left my bedside.
I was getting really sleepy.
"Charlie I'm tired" I spoke. Charlie nodded. He pulled my cover over me correctly, fluffed up my pillow and got me comfortable.
"Have a good rest my sunshine" he kissed me forehead.
I woke up to my bed moving. According to the doctor, my heart rate had slowed down which is dangerous for me health.
They had done my test for my speech an it was now 8pm. All tests for today were finished and I had to stay overnight. Charlie decided to stay with me.
Hi Shawn. Don't think I can make tomorrow. Don't know about Charlie. He is asleep.
It was unlikely I was going to be out tomorrow. I felt great shame and disappointment that I couldn't make tomorrow. I really wanted to hang out with my boyfriend and my best friend. On that thought, I remembered Charlie's journal. I opened the pages and started to read it. Every page was different and heart warming. I never realised how Charlie actually felt. He usually didn't show his emotional feelings. Didn't know why. But from reader this,I could tell it was as hard as it was for him as it is for me.
Suddenly, J felt my breathing going heavy and it was painfully difficult to breathe. I couldn't keep my head up any longer. It felt like my heart was going to rip out if my stomach. I wanted to yell for help but I couldn't get the words out. My arms were to heavy to press for help. I was really shaky and I could no longer breath. I could hear the moniter bleep really loudly. Charlie jumped up from his mattress and yelled "Nelly?" I heard a bunch if doctors running and calling for help. Then everything went black. It felt like I was about to die.

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