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When you arrived back home, you helped Charlie sit on your sofa. The sofa was dark blue and already stained so you wasn't fussed if blood got on it. You got the first aid kit out from the cupboard.
Although you're no doctor, you still cleaned up Charlie's wounds. His arms was still bleeding and the cut looked pretty deep.
"You sure you don't want to go to the hospital" you asked in concern. He shook his head. Although he wasn't very tearful anymore, you could still tell he was in pain.
"Wait I don't know your name" he chuckled. You didn't understand what was very funny about it but at least he was happy.
"My name is Alice" you replied, "But everyone calls me Nelly"
He nodded. "Nelly suits you more" you looked at him dead in the eye and then smiled. Your heart felt warm and loved.
"So I take it you want to know why I look a mess" Charlie said. You snapped back into reality.
"Oh yeah, what happened?" You asked.
It turned out that Charlie was attacked by paparazzi and fans. He broke into tears again. You sat on the sofa and gave him a hug. You didn't like to see him upset.
You got up to get him a tissue when suddenly you hear a loud groan.
"Charlie?" You yelled from the kitchen. He was breathing heavily. You ran back into the front room to find Charlie collapsed on the floor. He was semi-conscious.
"Charlie I'm sorry but I'm going to have to get an ambulance"
You dialled 911 whilst holding Charlie's hand.

Then there's you {A Charlie Puth fan fiction}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora