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There was muffled sounds of sirens ringing in my head. I could hear someone talking. I didn't know who it was. I couldn't see anything. I didn't even know if I was awake. I'm not 100% certain on what happened. All I remember is everything going white, Charlie's voice to everything going black. My eyes started to flutter. I managed to open them slightly.

"She's awake!" I want to sit up but I couldn't. I helplessly looked around. I was in an ambulance. A paramedic was standing beside me. Charlie was sitting opposite me. His eyes were bloodshot and tears were trickling down his face. He was constantly blinking. I couldn't help but feeling guilty.

"Char-" I vomited everywhere.

"It's okay sunshine, I am here," He put his phone in his pocket and came and stood beside me. I was given a sick bowl in case i vomited again. Charlie was holding my hand. He was still holding my hand when they rushed my down the long hallways of the hospital. I heard the paramedics talk about what happened.

"This is Alice aged 20. She had a nightmare on the way home and suddenly stood up and blacked out"

"she seemed alright before the car journey" Charlie interrupted.

"She is all panicky and has vomited"

The paramedics handed me over to the nurses and doctor. Charlie was still holding my hand. I tried blinking my tears away but i couldn't control them.

"Shh it is okay" Charlie said soothingly. I flashed a small smile. I loved his voice so much.

The doctors finished there tests and scans. Now it was just me and Charlie and a couple of other patients. Of course there was roaming nurses and doctors as well.

Charlie glanced me a cheeky look. I took my gas mask (which i was wearing ever since i was handed to the doctors) and said "what are you up to now?" My breathing was slightly uneasy.

He winked.

Charlie got up and closed the curtains around my bed.

"I know we can't do much in a hospital but I wanted it still be us!"

I chuckled. "Oh Charlie"

I knew he liked it when I say that. That's the reason why I say it all the time.

My stomach growled.

"Hungry?" I nodded, "When we get out of here how about we get our pizza we deserve!"

I bit my lip unironically.

"Why yes Mr Puth"

The doctor came back moments later.

"I have some bad news..." The doctors face was serious. I gulped in fear.

"Alice I hate to break it to you but...." the doctor took a deep breath. "You have cancer.."

I suddenly broke down. I was uncontrollably crying. Charlie, who was also uncontrollably crying, wrapped his arms round me tight. His breathing was heavy but still soothing.


I was let out was a ton of medications and a medical letter stating i need to see my gp as soon as possible. Charlie's eyes were still red and puffy. We got an uber and Charlie ordered our pizzas. One pepperoni and one mozzarella.

I sat in silent the whole journey home. The driver spoke a couple of times to Charlie but then soon realised that it wasn't a good idea.

My mind was whirling. The words 'you have cancer' stuck in my head. I was trembling. The doctor said I had a year to live.

We got indoors and our pizzas arrived. I ate a few mouthfuls and then had to ran to the bathroom to vomit. I came back to the front room and just sat there. Still trembling. Still shaking. Still crying. Terrified for my future.

"So how long has this throwing up business been going on?" Charlie finally managed to say. I can tell he was trembling too. His bottom lip was quaking.

"A little while..." a manage to spit out.

"a little..?"

"okay.. A long time" I finally managed to speak the truth. Charlie came over and hugged me. He put some music on in the background.

"Hey should make the most of this year then..?" he suggested. I nodded, afraid to speak. There was a huge bowl-which we labelled my throwing up bowl-on the floor. I spat into it and cleared my throat.

"Okay Mr Puth," I said, "How about after my doctors appointment, we do something fun!"

"sounds like a plan to me"

My eyes felt heavy. I fluttered them a few times but I couldn't keep them open. Charlie must of noticed as he started slowly rubbing my back and I fell asleep.

Then there's you {A Charlie Puth fan fiction}Where stories live. Discover now