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Charlie didn't get into bed until 2 hours later. I couldn't sleep at all that night. I was pretending to sleep when Charlie came in. He mumbled under his breathe "Why am I like this?" And then sighed. He pulled the covers across and got into bed.
"I love you Nelly. I hope you know that. I know I'm going to lose you one way or another" He broke down crying. I really wanted to comfort him but I don't want him to know I was pretending to sleep. He pulled the covers over himself and turned off the light.
I waited a couple of minutes before opening my eyes again.
I picked up my phone. I wanted to text Shawn to show I'm not ignoring him. But I couldn't. I started panicking. I went to the bathroom and vomited. I started to panic.
I might have a panic attack.
My thoughts were right. I fell to the floor crying. I was shaking and I couldn't breathe. I was having a really bad panic attack. I threw my phone across the room. It didn't smash luckily. I spent a couple of minutes in the floor on my own before I decided to message Charlie.
I'm having a really bad panic attack help.
I wasn't expecting him to come though. After what happened, I was expecting him to ignore me. Suddenly,there was a quiet knock at the door.
"Nelly, you alright?"
I couldn't talk. It was too much for me.
Charlie opened the door. He ran over to me and wrapped his arm around me. He was crying himself.
"Shh it's ok. Charlie's here..." his voice trailed off. He grabbed onto my tightly. We must if spent over three minutes on the floor together.
He then scooped me up and took me back to the bedroom. It was anxious of what was going to happen next. I felt my eyes go heavy.
I was back on the bathroom floor. On my own. It was fairly quiet. Supposedly I was dreaming that Charlie came through. Who knows? I slowly opened the door and creeped out. There was a muffled sound of music coming from the other room. There was a group of men shouting "Fight,fight,fight!" I was in a pub. The were a circle of men surrounding two other men. Those two men look like Charlie and Shawn...It was them! I gasped in shock and terror. "She's my girlfriend so stop flirting with her!"Charlie swung his arm out and punched Shawn in the nose. He made his nose bleed. Shawn then proceed to yell "Oh so I'm not allowed to be her friend now? I told you I wasn't flirting with her!" Tears were swelling in my eyes. Then one bloke pointed at me. "Is this your girlfriend Charlie?" He asked. "Yeah isn't it?" Other people churped in. Charlie grabbed me hard on the arm and dragged my into the middle. Shawns eyes were full of fury. "See this is my..." Shawn swung his arm and let out a punch which was aimed at Charlie but it hit me instead. It vomited everywhere and dropped to the floor.
"Nelly, are you alright?" Charlie sounded worried.
I woke up. There was vomit all over our clean white sheets.
I nodded. I went a few nights nightmare free. But this night broke the chain.
Charlie wiped the vomit off my face and kiss my softly. He left to clean my mess up. I grabbed my phone to finally message back Shawn.
Charlie wanted me to say that he was sorry for the way he has been acting.
You haven't fallen out with him?
Nelly are you okay?
Heard you had a panic attack. What happened? You alright?
Ok I will let you sleep then good night.
Shawn had spammed me with a lot of messages. I replied:
I'm fine. Just had a nightmare... :(
Charlie came back through.
"Just wanted to say I'm sorry for being over protective... I can't help it sometimes." He mumbled.
"No it's okay Charlie" I replied. "It's okay because I love you"
"I love you too sunshine" he replied.
"Mr Puth..." I winked. We both laughed.
I went to get a steamy shower. I got into the bathroom when my phone vibrated. It was Shawn.
Aw...nightmares are scary. What was It about?
I told him the whole story and put my phone down. I needed to escape from realty for a little while.
I was washing my body when there as sa knock at the door.
"May I come in?"
"Yeah sure"
Charlie walked through the door. I never lock the door incase something bad happens to me. Charlie was sitting on the toilet beside me. A part of me felt awkward but the other part of me felt special and sexy. Charlie was noticeably eyeing my naked body. I laughed. "I can see you Mr Puth"
"May I join you?" I couldn't tell if he was joking or not.
"Yeah sure come in"
Charlie started striping naked. This time I was the one staring at him.
"Now who is the one staring?"he joked. He got into the shower with me.
He started to ran his hands up and down on my body slowly as the water trickled down me. He squeezed me softly before thrusting Mr towards his body. We locked lips. It felt wonderful. It was even more spectacular under the pouring water. It was like those romantic kissing the rain things they do in movies. We unlocked lips slowly.
It was now my turn to play the touchy feely game. I pushed him against the shower wall. I ran my hands low down his body. I squeezed him lightly. He groaned. He pushed me closer to him. His hips thrusting against mine. Our body's rubbing against each other. He was all erected as he started to cum joyfully. Some got on my hands. I really didn't want to lick it though.
"You don't have to lick it" he said as if he could read my mind. I washed it under the running water.
"One day we should make out in the rain" I said.
"What like in movies?"
"Yeah all romantic and stuff."
"That sounds like a wonderful idea if only we wasn't in summer"
"Also not were the public can seek added.
We both laughed as we got out if the shower.
I was brushing my hair when more of it was falling out. Charlie noticed this time.
"Oh my god, your hair..."
" falling out. I know" I answered. I must if sounded miserable as Charlie wrapped his arm around me.
"Your next appointment is soon. We will mention it"

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