Take one for the team

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Dean sat in my kitchen upstairs, watching me clean the dishes. "Why aren't you out researching with Sam and Cas?"
He sighed, "I'm here to watch out for you. You and Sammy killed one of their friends the other night, they probably planning revenge."
I sighed and rolled my eyes, looking into the soapy mess my hands were submerged in. "Last I checked, I was "taking one for the team"..."
I didn't hear him say anything, knowing I just hit the gold. Until I felt arms grab mine, yanking them from the water. I was ubruptly turned and pressed against the sink, my eyes were swallowed by Dean's peircing green ones. "Roxanne, I didn't mean it." I tried to look away but I couldn't, "Dean-" I found myself absorbing his look, his every freckle, strand of hair, I realized I was still in love. What a dick head, who does he think he is?! He walks up in MAH bar, MAH house (causing me to burn myself with hot grease), flirts with my costumers, teasing me about my flirty costumer, MAKING ME REALIZE HOW MUCH I FUCKING LOVE HIM. My hands were released and we instantly both thought the same thing.

My arms went around his neck, his arms instantly picking me up and setting me onto the sink. Lips connecting, his tongue ran across my bottom lip and I opened my mouth, our tongues danced and fought for dominance. My hands grabbing his hair. He won and explored my mouth, my soapy hands ran through his hair and I moaned when his hands pushed my lower half against his.

I heard the living room door open and the light get flicked on, "Guys?" We quickly broke apart and I hopped off the sink. He sat in his chair, Sammy walked in, "What's up?" I tried to ignore my burning cheeks, "Just doing dishes..." He pointed at Dean, "What's with the soap?" I looked over and saw his SOAPY hair. We both laughed and Dean walked over too me, "She attacked me Sammy!" He got a hand full of soap and looked at Sam, "Your turn!" Then started chasing the giant. I laughed as I watched them tackle each other. Cas stood in the entry way and looked at them not amused. I stood my him, "How have you been?" "I have been doing okay." I smiled, not knowing what else to really bring up.


The kitchen windows glass shattered, showering us in it's Crystal shards. I grabbed the gun fastened under my spot at the table and turned to the window. No one was there, "Awe, come one! What the hell?!" Dean and Sam had their guns out, pointing them at the window. "Roxanne get aw-" "YOU LITTLE SHITS!" I stuck my head out of the window, "You want to fucking fight then come on! Not my fault you are jealous bitches!" Sam and Dean looked at me in confusion as I brought my head back in the window. "What?" Sam scoffed and put up his gun, "This not the first time it's happened?" I sighed and stuffed my hands into my pockets, "The guys in the bar like me, but not their wives."
Dean rolled his eyes, muttering something.
I sighed, "Bed time for you boys!"
Sammy smirked and leaned against the wall, "Dean needs a room."
I looked over and saw Dean slowly look at his brother, glaring him down. I sighed, "I don't have anymore rooms. You can stay up here."
Sam smirked and nodded, walking out of the upstairs, going to his room with Cas.
Dean fiddled with his thumbs, he grabbed my broom and started sweeping the mess. I grabbed a trash bag and helped clean too. Once we were done, not saying a word to each other, we walked into my shed and found a window, "This happens so often that you have a spare?" I sadly nodded, "Yea." We walked in the kitchen and he started helping before I stopped him, "Go to bed. I don't need help, your probably tired."

He ignored me and finished helping me put this up. I sighed and wiped off my hands. "Thanks." He looked down smiling, "No problem." When he looked back up his eyes captured mine once again, our lips getting closer and closer. I pulled away, looking at my feet, "I should get you a blanket and pillow. It's getting late." He broke a smile, "Yea I guess. Unless you want me too cuddle with you tonight." He laughed as he teased me, I giggled, "You wouldn't be able to contain yourself!" He scoffed, putting his hand to his chest, acting offended, "I have more self control than that! You would be the one, unable to contain yourself!" I laughed as I playfully shoved him, realizing what I just started I instantly booked it for my living room.
I could hear his footsteps behind me, he grabbed me from behind and we both started laughing as I tried to get away from his grip. "Dean!" His hands started tickling my sides, making me fall on the couch, taking him down with me. "Dean! I-Cant-Breaaaaaath!" I managed to get out as he mercilessly tickled my sides, while I was pinned to the couch. Tears leaked from the corners of my eyes as I started laughing so hard. Our laughing slowed as we caught our breath and looked at each other. God, I can't do this. I shimmied out from under him, walking to the closet.
I looked back and he was still propped up on the couch, I threw a spare blanket at him and pillow. He cought them easily and got up, going to change in the bathroom. My bed was in the same room as the living room, only a half wall separated it. While he was in there I quickly changed my top to one of his Def Leppard shirts he let me use. And I took off my pants, leaving me in my laced panties. Knowing he wasn't going to see me since I was under the covers.

I quietly slid in-between the comforter and sheets. Sleep finding me instantly.

Freaks Of Nature (Dean Winchester)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin