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Our lips met, it was like an electric current passed through us. He licked my bottom lip and I gladly granted him access in my mouth. He easily dominated and was fully over me now. This was all pure instinct now, we have been too close, too many times before. My arms were around his neck, I tugged on his hair, earning a low growl to escape his throat. I gasped as his left arm slid under my back, bringing me closer to him. His left hand was slowly sneaking up my shirt, reaching my bra wire. I started pulling his shirt off while he did the same for me. His kisses went down to my neck, he instantly found my sweet spot, I let out a moan and felt him smirk against my ski-
*Ring* *ring*
The phone seemed to bring us back to reality, we both realized what we were doing and instantly backed away from each other. I grabbed the phone, "Hello?"
"Roxanne! I was worried you guys didn't call me." said a worried Sam.
I attempted a small laugh, "Nah, sorry. We got- erm- busy."
"Oh okay, I was just checking up. Did you find much else out?"
I started thinking about what just happened, "Nothing really." I lied.
"Well I'm tired, bye."
"Bye." I hung up and turned to see Dean leaning against a dresser.
We didn't say anything and retreaved our shirts. I didn't put it on and went to the bathroom. I took off my clothes and hopped in the shower, I let the warm water run over my skin. Still thinking about earlier. The thought of what would have happened if Sam didn't call, made my knees go weak. I reached for the soap when-

Dean's POV
I sat on the bed as she went to the bathroom. Oh god, we just, we could have just... I am now being honest with myself, I have feelings for her. I've got it so bad for her it's unhealthy. I put on my shirt when I started hearing scratching on the floor, I could hear the pipes creaking. I grabbed my knife and then heard a scream.

Roxanne's POV
I reached for the soap when I noticed blood dripping from my hair. Then I noticed it everywhere. The water turned into blood. I tried to turn off the water but it wouldn't shut off, it started getting hotter and the shower curtain wouldn't open! "AHH!" I screamed as the water/blood burnt my skin. I pressed myself against the wall, trying to not let the water touch me. I saw a knife poke through the shower curtain. The steam was filling up the bathroom and I couldn't see anything but arms reaching for me in the shower. I had to trust them, I ran through the thick stream of hot liquid and jumped into the arms. I was crying as my skin was burning. The arms drug me into the bed room, I could now see they belonged to Dean. Thank God they weren't a demon or ghosts. He let me down on the cool floor. My bare skin trying to cool down. I had burns down my legs, where I couldn't sheild the water from as I hid on the wall. Deans face held worry, "Roxanne!" He grabbed ice from the mini fridge as I laid on the floor, silently crying, "Deaaaan..." "Shh."

He put the icecubes into a washcloth and laid it against my skin, slowly letting my skin get used to it. Soon enough I was able to move, but it hurt like a bitch. I held his hand as I let the rest of the cubes melt. I stopped crying and looked up at the ceiling, "Roxanne, are you okay?" I looked up at him, "Yea, I feel better. Something tells me that IT doesn't like me very much." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "Thank God!" I tried to get up and grab the blanket but instantly flinched. The pain was unbearable. He quickly grabbed it for me and wrapped me up, picked me up, then laid me on the bed. It was 4:30 we had so much time, so he started getting things ready. I was finally able to get up and get dressed.

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