fourteen| disneyland

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Dear Simon,

I'll make this short and sweet, the entire Disneyland trip I'd been contemplating how to tell you I'd decided to take the offer. Just like your career was important for you, mine was for me and I couldn't give up on my dreams. After all, you always told me to chase them.

Thank you for indirectly helping my make my decision.

Love Daisy xoxo

Three days passed and the day for Disneyland with the girls arrived

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Three days passed and the day for Disneyland with the girls arrived. I couldn't contain my excitement over the phone as I chatted to Emily at six in the morning, full of energy as I drank my coffee.

The steaming hot liquid burned the roof of my mouth and I dropped the coffee mug on the counter with instant pain.

As I hopped around in pain, searching for a glass of cold water to ease the pain, I heard an abrupt knock on the door.

I rushed to it, pressing my tongue against the roof of my mouth as I greeted Freya who stood cheerily at my door step.

She stepped inside, going straight to my suitcase and going back out to the taxi with my things.

"Good morning," She called out as she rushed back in.

She had a bright smile on her face, a laugh stifled behind her lips as she looked at my humorous state.

"It's not funny," I mumbled with a small smile breaking out on my face, as I poured out the rest of my coffee in the sink and grabbed my satchel.

Freya began to laugh behind me as I lead her out the door.


A few hours later we arrived at our hotel in Paris, we spent almost half an hour admiring our rooms.

I was sharing with Emily, Nia and Steph were sharing and Freya and Talia were sharing.

Freya was the one in charge of organizing so she'd purposely not put Talia and I in the same room. I was secretly thanking her when I gave her a long look as I entered my room with Emily.

"So, what's going on with you two?" Emily asked curiously as she plopped herself of the bed opposite me. She directed her head towards the door that Talia had just walked past.

I shrugged my shoulders, hesitant to give Emily all the information. She gave me a stern look, egging me on to tell her.

I sighed deeply, lifting my shoulders as I released some tension from my shoulders.

"She told Simon that she had feelings for him, so of course I'm not going to be so friendly with her."

Emily held a weak smile as she looked down, she was trying to think of something comforting to say. Whatever it was, probably wouldn't help.

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