nine| holiday

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Dear Simon,

I knew that this 'test run' was a big risk, for our friendship anyway. It wasn't that I didn't have feelings for you, it was just that I was cautious, of you, your fans, our friends; and most importantly, myself.

I had this fear that I would ruin what we have/had. I overthink a lot which you yourself have noticed and even pointed out to me.

I never told you what happened at the airport because I don't want to bother you, but it did bother me.

I was hoping that we could do it, without any sort of problem even for a couple of days where could enjoy ourselves for a couple of days.

But I was wrong.

That trip to Dubai was something else, obviously not the longest holiday but I liked it a lot because I still got to spend time with you. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I'm hoping for better holidays in the future, and when I come visit— we're going somewhere exotic.

Sending all my love,
Daisy xox

A couple of days later I was nervous and excited to head off to Dubai with Simon, of course I'd never been so I didn't really know what to expect

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A couple of days later I was nervous and excited to head off to Dubai with Simon, of course I'd never been so I didn't really know what to expect.

Simon kept telling me that Abu Dabi was great when he went with Chris and he was expecting Dubai to be just as good.

He got a Taxi to my flat early enough in the morning, I was just getting the last of my things ready while I ate a breakfast bar.

I also made sure everything in the flat was in order before I left because I knew how messy Libby could get. There were instructions stamped all over the place just in case she needed any help.

Thinking about it, Libby wasn't one for housework and to be honest, she was quite hopeless around the house with tidying up.

I wouldn't be gone for long, but a little holiday for me would probably feel like a lifetime for the dark haired girl.

She was still asleep and Simon's knock on the door pulled me out of my daze as I rushed to grab my suitcase and open the door for him.

He grabbed my suitcase and strolled it out to the taxi to put it in the boot of the car. As I locked the door, I remembered the last time I went on a holiday with Simon.

It was about five years ago, when I was eighteen and preparing for uni. Simon, JJ and I planned a holiday to Madrid. JJ's YouTube career was hitting it off and Simon was helping him out a lot more back then.

Me being me, chose the warm, sunny Spain. They were kind enough to let me choose. We were all growing up, the idea of a holiday allowing us to be free children once again— and just in case we ever separated, that would have been a great last memory together.

But it wasn't the last memory we had because we spent all of our free time together, me, when I was not at work and JJ and Simon when they weren't bombarded with YouTube videos and editing them.

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