six| clubbing

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Dear Simon,

How are you keeping? I saw your new video 'Rap or Crap' with Tobi and Manny. Wish I could've been in that video, you know how much I love rap music. I actually started to enjoy being in your videos after you made me join you in them constantly, even after the Tinder video. You always loved to meet new people, anyone who would, as you say "vibe with you". It was always great to go out with you guys, the endless drinks, the bad dancing and the constant flirting. We just always enjoyed spending time together. I just love you guys so much, I miss you guys, a lot.

As cringe as it sounds, I think about you everyday. It's weird since we grew up together, but I'm glad I got to see you grow up, and like I said: I'm so so proud of you, Simon.

I love you,
Yours Truly,

The rest of the week flew by, and Saturday had come around in what seemed like a matter of hours.

All of us had planned to go out; the guys and the girls. We hadn't had a night out in ages with all of our busy schedules so this was long overdue.

Us girls were gathered in Emily's flat getting ready, we had a little food fest before we started getting ready.

We had all recently gone shopping together, especially since Simon asked me to join him at the awards show and I had no new dresses; I needed to sort that out.

I picked out dark yellow body con dress for this special occasion. I curled my hair a little more and wore a natural makeup look.

We had a few drinks before the Uber arrived, talking and getting excited for the night ahead. We grabbed our purses, rushed down to the car and headed to the club to meet the boys.

I was an outgoing person, I'd speak to people anywhere and any day. Whether they were friends or strangers.

I didn't go to clubs every weekend because of work and just usually hanging out with the guys at their house but I was one who knew how to party- even if I do say so myself.

As we walked passed the bouncer all glammed up, earning a few double takes from some guys around us; we felt fierce and powerful.

Being the drama queen I am, I lead the girls as we strutted over to Simon, JJ, Josh, Ethan and Cal Airey who were already awaiting out arrival.

I peered over at JJ who had a shot glass sitting in front of him, he stared at the clear liquid in front of him, waiting for something to happen I presumed.

I laughed quietly to myself as I greeted the rest of the guys, dropping a discreet peck on Simon's cheek.

"Are the rest of the guys on their way?"

He nodded, smiling softly as he looked down at me, taking in my outfit.

It was definitely different, I mean I hadn't been out in a while and I thought that I should treat myself.

"You look really good tonight," He said coolly into my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. The music wasn't too loud yet, he didn't have to speak too loudly for me to hear him.

After about half an hour, Vik, Tobi, Harry and Cal McGinley arrived, Cal instantly wrapped his arms around Sarah who also came with us. He gave Simon a smooth wink and Simon chuckled, shaking his head at Cal.

'Havana' blasted through the speakers all of a sudden, making me jump slightly but I felt an arm place itself around my shoulder.

My eyes met Simon's, a grin playing at his lips as he brought me out to dance, we didn't speak, we just danced and enjoyed ourselves.

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